Kuwait Times



Helps in protecting from Alzheimer’s disease

According to a study published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscien­ce, fasting protects against Alzheimer’s disease and relieves its symptoms. Fasting is a therapy option that is rapidly gaining traction outside of the domain of pharmaceut­icals and treatments.

Helps in improvemen­t of memory and intellect

Evidence shows that fasting improves brain functions and structures in mice. Because higher glucose levels result in poorer cognitive performanc­e, especially among individual­s with pre-diabetes levels.

Boosts the mood

As per the research conducted in the Current Neuropharm­acology, fasting shows to boost moving and sleep quality. Additional findings suggest fasting markedly reduces negative emotions, including tension, and depressive feelings.

Spiritual benefits of fasting

Every religion observes fasting in their own ways as per the scripture. But Islam is the last and complete religion for all humanity and has made obligatory fasting for the whole month of Ramadan in its utmost format. As we have discussed the health and mental benefits of fasting, Muslims considers the spiritual benefits of fasting as compared to the other benefits.

Cleaning the soul

Fasting is one of the best ways to clean your soul. As fasting abstains you from eating and drinking, similarly it abstains you from evil deeds and minor and major sins. This is the right time to keep the objectives of fasting even when we are not fasting. This way we can clean our souls from all the evil dirt and get closer to the Almighty Allah.

A newly born feeling

At the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan, you will feel renewed, full of energy, and empowered with a new desire, praise, and sensitivit­y to Allah’s commandmen­t. You will find that worldly values are nothing in comparison to what you have gained in the past 30 days of fasting. It gives you a feeling as if you are newly born.

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