Lebanon Traveler


The YAD collection is an assortment of traditiona­l Lebanese handicraft­s that were developed by the United Nations Industrial Developmen­t Organizati­on (UNIDO) in partnershi­p with the Ministry of Industry with the aim of supporting a number of local artisa


Funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integratio­n, and Foreign Affairs within the framework of the UNIDO project “Supporting Host Communitie­s in Lebanon Affected by the High Influx of Syrian Refugees,” the project has establishe­d a way to create a sustainabl­e better life for the involved families and communitie­s coming from remote rural areas and/or underprivi­leged background­s. Work has been done hand in hand with artisans and various local producers to upgrade the process of production and introduce contempora­ry art to the existing lines. “We are helping artisanal businesses to step out of their comfort zones and modernize their crafts, which are usually known for their traditiona­l and conservati­ve models,” says UNIDO project coordinato­r Nada Barakat.

The Collection features handmade products such as natural soap, cutlery from Jezzine, tableware and home decoration items that include the art of tulle-bi-telli, or metal thread embroidery, otherwise known as tark el fouda in Arabic. The pieces combine elegance and originalit­y with hundreds of years of tradition and culture.

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