Taste & Flavors

The basic daily rules of anti-aging nutrition:


Breakfast is of utmost importance and should

provide enough proteins. Meals should be taken at regular intervals: sizeable breakfast and lunch, a morning snack, an afternoon snack and a light dinner (dinner by 8pm maximum). 12 hours of fasting between dinner and breakfast. Limit wheat, sugar and salt intake. 7 portions of vegetables and fruits. Favor lowfructos­e fruits such as kiwis, blueberrie­s and raspberrie­s. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day or more depending on physical activity and body weight. Avoid soft drinks, especially diet. Boost your metabolism by spicing up your food with turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, capsaicin, etc. Favor low glycemic index foods such as vegetables, grapefruit, plums, cherries and multigrain bread over high glycemic index foods such as ice cream, raisins, white bread, watermelon or French fries. Increase peptide intake by consuming fish and

poultry. Never take artificial sweeteners.

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