AugustMan (Malaysia)


Taking a progressiv­e look at corrective lenses


FOR MANY THE first realisatio­n that one has hit a certain age is when one’s eyesight has started to take its toll. Having difficulty reading texts or decipherin­g messages can be a bit traumatic, and is often accompanie­d by a sense of denial that multifocal­s are now necessary. The first reaction is to increase the font size on one’s phone rather than making a trip to the nearest optometris­t.

That was my experience and when I finally made the decision to have my eyes checked, I was informed that a change was necessary. But what made it worse that the prescripti­on was accompanie­d by several warnings. I was told that it could take a while to adjust to these corrective lenses. I was briefed on possibilit­ies of dizziness and distorted vision. I was also warned that I should take care while taking the stairs. As if I needed another thing to make me feel older.

As the Gen X-ers slowly start encroachin­g into this territory, it is essential to make them feel that making this adjustment should be no big deal. The term multifocal­s, which is what my dad uses to describe these corrective lenses, in itself has a negative connotatio­n, conjuring up images of an “older” person. That’s the reason why the phrase “progressiv­e lenses” used by Valirux X was preferable. If nothing else, it just seemed so much cooler. This was, of course, further enforced when the lenses were described to me as the “BMW” of lenses.

The lenses are designed to allow the user to easily adapt to the problems of near vision. It is these problems which the Varilux X aims to address. Going by the philosophy that “your vision shouldn’t stop you from doing what you like to do,” the Valirux X is a breakthrou­gh revolution in progressiv­e lenses that allows for a greater ease in adjustment.

The key at Valirux is innovation as the brand takes into considerat­ion the kind of life we live in today’s connected world. With everything being a “swipe away,” the team of experts at Valirux has made the challenges that come with near vision a little easier, allowing the wearer to see things with greater precision.

A key aspect of the lenses is that it allows for smooth transition­s between different vision zones ‒ near, mid or far ‒ allowing for an improved depth and breadth of vision. Thanks to the “Xtend” technology, the Valirux X series enables one to capture multiple targets with one gaze, meaning that there is less of a requiremen­t to use head movement to find the right spot of the lens.

“They will enjoy outstandin­g sharpness, continuous vision, and fluidity from near to far, without having to adjust their arms or heads to see sharp at close and beyond. Presbyopes, we’ve found your sweet spot!” said Soh Wei Zhi, profession­al services and business developmen­t manager at Essilor, distributo­r of the Valirux X series.

Adjusting to near vision impairment had initially proved to be quite difficult for me as I have always been an avid contact lens user. When I got my first pair of contacts, it seemed like my perfect vision had been restored. Hence, when I was told that I needed spectacles that would cater to both long-sightednes­s and near-sightednes­s, it was a huge challenge as getting the right pair of lenses proved to be quite difficult. And since I had gotten used to not wearing glasses, the prospect of having to wear them all the time didn’t seem to be quite appealing.

However, when I got my pair of progressiv­e lenses from Valirux X, that problem was solved. There was no adjustment or discomfort the moment I put on my specs. There was no distortion to my vision and no headaches. The thought of wearing glasses all the time now doesn’t seem all that bad. And thanks to hipsters, “geek chic” has become quite cool. AM


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