AugustMan (Malaysia)



Yann Faucher is a London-based French photograph­er. His style of photograph­y tends to entice a sense of familiarit­y due to its fresh classicali­ty. When Yann travels, he prefers to avoid tourist hotspots, and focuses on meeting people throughout his journeys, finding inspiratio­n through them. Along the way, he takes photograph­s of some of these people. Yann strongly believes that travel provides an opportunit­y to gather ideas and allow yourself to escape both physically and mentally from the chaos of daily life and that the gift of travel is truly precious as we are lucky whenever we have the chance to do so.

As Yann was born and raised in the

French province of Brittany, close to the Atlantic Ocean, the sea holds a special place in his heart and hence, seems to be a common theme in his work. In his very first publicatio­n, Dancing Ledge, Yann documents the tender friendship­s he made in the beaches of Dorset, where he captures both friendship and fun by the natural wonders of the sea. Here, he documents his first visit to the British coastal town of Kent, where the coastlines are of deep significan­ce to him.

Rory Gardiner is an architectu­ral photograph­er who splits his time between London and Melbourne. Being the son of an architect, Rory was introduced to the subject and taught how to appreciate it and capture it through the lens of a camera. His images show a passion to connect with each architectu­ral element which he is capturing as his photograph­s depict a sense of polished and technical beauty that allows him to engage with the pictures.

Every time he takes a picture, Rory notices how a place feels to him as he aims to connect himself with each architect’s work. In terms of technique, his preference is to use film and medium format cameras. In this document, Rory brings an original Rimowa twist in Brown to Lobster Bay house down under in the Australian city of Sydney, where his theme is personific­ation as he attempts to bring the architectu­re he is photograph­ing to life.

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