Harper’s Bazaar (Malaysia)


It took years for one scientist to decode the formula of a miracle. But hard work pays off. Andy Bevacqua tells Li Ying Lim in this exclusive interview why the famed Crème de la Mer is well worth a thousand dollars.


Andy Bevacqua revisits Dr. Max Huber’s work for La Mer

BThe vice president of research and developmen­t at the Max Huber Research Labs, Bevacqua came into the picture when he decoded the cryptic formula left behind after Huber’s passing. “Our biggest challenge ‘decoding’ Dr. Huber’s original formula was efore Andy Bevacqua, there was Dr. Max Huber. The aerospace physicist suffered severe physical burns from an accidental chemical explosion that occurred during one of his trials. His indefatiga­ble spirit, however, led him to discover the legendary rejuvenati­ng prowess of rich oceanic life in Crème de la Mer.


The 12-year journey to the Crème was nothing short of arduous, consisting of 6,000 experiment­s. Huber was a strong believer in the powerful and endless possibilit­ies of the deep blue, and he zeroed in with special interest on the North American Pacific kelp, macrocysti­s pyrifera.

Off the coast of Vancouver Island, in the untainted cool depths of British Columbian waters, sea kelp is harvested by Canada’s First Nations people and sold to La Mer to make the Miracle Broth, the super nutrient at the heart of Crème de la Mer.


replicatin­g the fermentati­on broth. There was very little written informatio­n on the formula or process but we were able to work closely with his team to piece everything together,” recalls Bevacqua. “After many experiment­s we were able to pinpoint the precise combinatio­n of the ingredient­s, the bio-fermentati­on process, and the use of energy to obtain the same activity and skin benefits of the Miracle Broth.”


Huber claimed that the result of sea kelp combined with pure ingredient­s such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and natural oils including citrus, wheat germ, eucalyptus, alfalfa, and sunflower, was nothing out of the ordinary. What truly made a difference was the three to four months of bio-fermentati­on, as well as sonography, a form of light and sound treatment.

“Dr. Huber was a physicist and understood the power and energy of light and sound and how they could be used to enhance the activity of ingredient­s. To mimic the natural growth environmen­t of the sea kelp, he pulsated waves of light and sound energy during the Miracle Broth fermentati­on process to intensify the ingredient’s activity and maximise the benefits to the skin.”

The science behind the Crème is based on the negative and positive ions found in the skin. While the negative charges are prone to reach towards the surface, the positive ions prefer to stay in the depth of the dermis. These movements produce an energy that is vital for skin repair and to maintain a healthy skin barrier. Stress and age throw this motion off. This is where the Crème comes in.


“Recently, we were able to conduct tests that confirmed the Miracle Broth is a powerful energy source. We developed an assay that measures the electrical energy in skin. Using this, we were able to discover significan­t increases in skin’s energy when the Miracle Broth is applied.” Skin is soothed, sensitivit­ies put to rest, wrinkles are smoothed away, pores are less visible, and firmness is restored. This Miracle is at its best when the suspended energy of the Broth is released with a tiny rub of the Crème between the fingertips before patting and massaging it gently into the skin.

Bevacqua has taken La Mer far beyond the Crème; this month sees the launch of a new Treatment Lotion. “The work of Max Huber constantly challenges and inspires me,” he says. “I’ve learned so much from his legacy, and I think he’d be proud of where we’ve taken his original Crème.”

 ??  ?? The restorativ­e powers of the sea can be found at the heart of all La Mer formulas
The restorativ­e powers of the sea can be found at the heart of all La Mer formulas
 ??  ?? After Max Huber’s death, Andy Bevacqua led a team of scientists to break the code of Huber’s notes, keeping his legacy alive
After Max Huber’s death, Andy Bevacqua led a team of scientists to break the code of Huber’s notes, keeping his legacy alive
 ??  ?? Bevacqua showing the press the sea kelp used in La Mer’s Miracle Broth
Bevacqua showing the press the sea kelp used in La Mer’s Miracle Broth

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