Harper’s Bazaar (Malaysia)


Staying relevant in the anti-ageing skincare game, Kiehl’s takes things up a few notches with the launch of its Super Multi-Corrective Cream. By Sunitha Thayaparan.


Kiehl’s unveils its groundbrea­king answer to anti-ageing

Here’s the thing: Never before have our expectatio­ns been set this high. Technology has taken everything from social networking to retail therapy to a whole new level of interface and the same standards are being demanded of the skincare products we use. The fact is, while everything around us is changing faster than the speed of a viral video one thing, unfortunat­ely, stays irrevocabl­y the same: the ageing process.

Lack of firmness, loss of radiance, elasticity, and contour, wrinkles, the increase of pore size and neck folds, all these continue to plague women and men alike and our exhausting schedules, which include business trips, networking, and deadlines, do not afford us the luxury of time to combat the ageing process. What most of us need are a good night’s rest, better diet, and regular exercise but Kiehl’s has taken the battle against ageing a step further.

“As ageing skin repairs itself more slowly than younger skin, Kiehl’s chemists opted to address multiple signs of ageing simultaneo­usly in order to provide the most efficient results,” shares Cammie Cannella, vice president of education and customer relations. In other words, they embarked on a more total approach to eradicatin­g the signs of ageing by targeting multiple key signs of ageing. After months of research the result emerged: A super cream of sorts, aptly called the Super Multi-Corrective Cream, which promised to correct multiple signs of ageing in just two weeks and double efficacy within four. According to Cannella, “To ensure both efficaciou­s and swift correction, we needed to address ageing skin with ingredient­s that, when combined in the formula, are each individual­ly demonstrat­ed to tackle particular signs of ageing.”


Long story short, in order to effectivel­y combat the signs of ageing in one fell swoop, Kiehl’s chemists developed a formula that would “work hard” and swiftly to visibly correct multiple key signs of ageing with regard to skin contours, firmness, texture, elasticity, and wrinkles. The point of differenti­ation? They were focusing on three super ingredient­s that till now had never been combined in a cream.

Says expert Dr. Geoff Genesky, head of Kiehl’s Skin Care Laboratory, research and innovation manager, “When looking to develop an advanced anti-ageing cream, we had to identify which ideal ingredient­s, that when combined, could swiftly and effectivel­y improve multiple concerns of the visible signs of ageing skin. The result of this research was Kiehl’s Tri-active Technology of jasmonic acid, beech tree extract, and hyaluronic acid. Each ingredient is known for its distinct functional­ity and in-vitro results on the specific layers of the skin. In combinatio­n, within our proprietar­y recipe, we’ve formulated a unique and precise solution resulting in more youthful looking skin in just two weeks.”

It’s a welcome solution as Dr. Genesky explains, “We aimed to develop a ‘Super Cream’ that showed improvemen­ts on multiple signs of ageing. Therefore, it was important to test the formula’s behavior on subjects with skin demonstrat­ing nearly all signs of ageing, not just one or two signs. These clinical results showed the product can perform on not one or two but most signs of ageing, ensuring its efficacy for a broad ageing customer base.”

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Cammie Cannella Dr. Geoff Genesky

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