Harper’s Bazaar (Malaysia)

The Horoscope


SCORPIO October 24 – November 22

There are resources you would like for your own use but you may be afraid to help yourself to them for fear of being told you’re out of order. You mustn’t let a SunPluto clash make you so scared of misjudging an important situation that you’re robbed of your creativity and daring. Lucky day 3rd—once you reverse a rushed decision everybody’s happy.

SAGITTARIU­S November 23 – December 21

Ordinarily, you would steer away from one particular place or set of people and keep to yourself. However, you’ll realise that what is being offered could be relevant to your way of life. If a welcoming hand is extended, don’t be too proud to accept it. Lucky day 15th—you raise an awkward topic and receive solid back-up.

CAPRICORN December 22 – January 20

Talk about your progress in a challengin­g field might seem flattering, but you may become so afraid that expectatio­ns of you are so high that you’ll develop a fear of failure. A meaningful talk, in confidence, should soon put you back on track. Lucky day 5th—relational problems are solved to everybody’s delight.

AQUARIUS January 21 – February 19

Although you might want to be perceived as decisive, part of you needs to show your softer, more balanced side. This mustn’t prevent you from tackling a complex set-up with confidence. Nobody’s going to think you’re unscrupulo­us if you go all out. Lucky day 11th—drawing attention to yourself wins fans and followers.

PISCES February 20 – March 20

Willing though you may be to support relatives or workmates, you won’t want to be forever at their beck and call. Be careful as you extricate yourself from a set-up that could, in all honesty, be managed well by those responsibl­e. Plan a slow, gentle retreat rather than a sudden departure. Lucky day 10th—changing plans leads you to something irresistib­le.

LIBRA September 24 – October 23

Avoid letting financial considerat­ions become the main thrust of talks revolving around an upcoming event or get-together. It’s far more important to sustain a good working relationsh­ip with whoever else is involved, even if that means giving way on budgets or profit-sharing. There are more important factors to be considered than money in the bank. Lucky day 23rd—taking a chance on someone’s integrity brings solace.

ARIES March 21 – April 20

If your power within a certain set-up has been diminished recently, take heart. New developmen­ts should enable you to prove you’re still a dynamic individual. You might even find the right words and gestures with which to convince a partner or ally that the two of you make a great double act. Lucky day 9th—someone full of surprises lifts your spirits.

TAURUS April 21 – May 21

As you question the validity of extra responsibi­lities you’ve taken on, you might be confronted by somebody being defensive. Remain calm and respectful, and you’ll realise that what you’re saying makes more sense than anybody else’s viewpoint. Hopefully, a compromise can be reached. Lucky day 1st—a new route to old haunts offers rare opportunit­ies.

GEMINI May 22 – June 21

At times recently, you might have been afraid to dig deep and explore feelings about wealth, property, or a partnershi­p. Now, with Pluto moving forwards, you’ll see how much can be gained by posing crucial questions and speaking your mind. Lucky day 28th—minor losses alert you to major gains to be made.

CANCER June 22 – July 23

Intensely personal issues are about to reach a crescendo. You will want to argue your case, but avoid coming across as belligeren­t. There’s more to be gained from peaceful negotiatio­ns, and you’ll find that the other person makes a better friend than enemy. Lucky day 19th—one person’s experience provides new learnings for many.

LEO July 24 – August 23

You’ll be tempted to change the tempo within an area of responsibi­lity. Mercury’s clash with Uranus might make you wonder whether other people have the authority to say that you’re getting things wrong. They don’t; your way is the best way. Lucky day 12th—asserting yourself brings an end to a tricky phase.

VIRGO August 24 – September 23

Rather than suggest to others that they are avoiding important issues, you should ask yourself whether you’re being judgmental. It’s possible that you have stopped listening, and instead, voiced strong opinions on how things should be handled. But you can’t be right all the time, can you? Lucky day 24th—strangers bring a new perspectiv­e to complex issues.

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Earrings, Saint Laurent
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