Harper’s Bazaar (Malaysia)

The Horoscope



March 21 – April 20 Having been uncertain about joining forces with a small group of people, you may wonder why you’re drawn to them all of a sudden. Go with an instinct that tells you there’s much less to be gained from operating single-handedly. You are heading towards an unforgetta­ble shared experience. Lucky day 5th—gaining tighter control of cash flow solves problems.


April 21 – May 21 Misgivings concerning your abilities as well as any negative comments should soon fade. What you mustn’t do, however, is to take for granted the support being offered by one particular person who is not as reliable as you first think. Lucky day 30th—suddenly you’re bullish enough to assume a new role.


May 22 – June 21 Rather than speaking out about a sensitive issue, you sometimes keep your opinions to yourself. Try telling yourself that you are quite capable of delivering some tough messages to those concerned without being labelled a traitor or troublemak­er. Lucky day 19th—you make the most of opportunit­ies coming your way.


June 22 – July 23 As you enthuse about an inspired idea, not everyone will be as keen on it as you are. You’re about to feel the urge to invest in farfetched schemes which you know very little about. While it’s fine to be adventurou­s, you mustn’t confuse fantasy with reality. Lucky day 9th—time spent with those you love brings rewards.


July 24 – August 23 It may be hard to decide how much to put into a particular interest or area of work. So your best bet is to be guided by a sixth sense spelling out the likely options involved. Even more important, however, will be the part you need to play in a scenario involving somebody very close. Lucky day 20th—moving on becomes your goal, not looking back.


August 24 – September 23 Too often you’ve promised yourself you would get to grips with a chore you find uninspirin­g. Fairly soon, however, circumstan­ces will force you to make a start. The speed and efficiency with which you’re able to function will surprise you, as will the eventual rewards. Lucky day 3rd—those being too frank are taught a lesson, by you.


September 24 – October 23 Someone suggests you’ve been rather selfindulg­ent as of late, but this doesn’t mean you need to resent it. Instead, pay attention to certain individual­s who might be secretly feeling that they’ve been overlooked recently. You and they could benefit enormously, simply by being together. Lucky day 24th—your dreams, not your nightmares, are your focus.


October 24 – November 22 Creative ideas bordering on the outlandish might not appeal to loved ones. So be prepared to come up with practicabl­e and inventive suggestion­s. You’ll also need to prove to your partner that a major re-think on the home or family front is overdue. Lucky day 16th—leaving your comfort

zone opens up a new world.


November 23 – December 21 Restrictio­ns on your spending or freedom to invest in the unconventi­onal are slowly being lifted. Even so, you mustn’t assume you can run wild and free. In some areas of life, you still need to show that you know the value of hard work and commitment. Lucky day 26th—others urge you to use a unique talent you possess.


December 22 – January 20 Feeling that you’re being pulled in several different directions at once could prove exhausting. You don’t have to go very far or stay away for very long for an escape, but at some point you’ll need a change of scene and tempo to rebalance your life. Lucky day 4th—at last you’re heading in the right direction.


January 21 - February 19 In a bid to show yourself off as worldlywis­e, you might be tempted to adopt a false front. However, one or two acquaintan­ces will tap into the lack of authentici­ty in what you’re doing. Better to accept your shortcomin­gs while remaining completely true to yourself. Lucky day 7th—you’re no longer hampered by envious people.

 ??  ?? Magical Setting collection rings, Chopard
Magical Setting collection rings, Chopard

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