Harper’s Bazaar (Malaysia)



April 12 – May 21 Before committing to group activities you must scrutinise the details, especially if money is being spent. One or two of those involved may have rather grand ideas on what is possible and achievable. You don’t want to go any further only to find that much of the thinking and planning is pie in the sky. 1st—having taken a deep breath, you say what needs to be said.


October 24 – November 22 Enjoy the sense of relief brought on by meaningful exchanges with people you respect. And perhaps integrate them into your social life in a way you haven’t previously considered. The discovery that they are far more likely to be allies than rivals will boost your spirits enormously. Lucky day 9th—focusing on one set-up or structure proves a winner.


November 23 – December 21 Those urging you to take a pragmatic approach to financial or work-related arrangemen­ts aren’t trying to interfere. They’re simply becoming aware that you’re going through an ambitious phase. When it’s suggested that you check facts and figures, do just that. Lucky day 12th—putting yourself to the test enhances your image.


December 22 – January 20 You might need to be more self-reflective than usual but you mustn’t isolate yourself from people who want to be part of your day-to-day life. Yes, you should reassess your position within a group or domestic set-up but in a positive and optimistic way. Lucky day 20th—surprising twists turn things to your advantage.


January 21 – February 19 Friends or loved ones will encourage you to take bold strides regarding developmen­ts within the home or family, but proceed with caution. Find a middle ground so that you combine confidence and common sense in the best way possible. Lucky day 10th—arguing your case proves your worth among rivals.


February 20 – March 20 Promise yourself you won’t feel guilty for concentrat­ing on your own needs and ambitions. This isn’t to say you can abrogate your responsibi­lities to others entirely. So, anyone suggesting you’re being entirely self-seeking must be put right. Lucky day 30th—somebody buys into your latest innovative suggestion­s.


March 21 – April 20 At last you can bring to fruition a plan or a project requiring you to co-operate with certain individual­s outside your normal circle of companions. Try not to question their every comment and suggestion. Far better to embrace the variety and difference they’re bringing into the situation. Lucky day 28th—talking friends through a new scheme wins you support.

 ??  ?? Watch, Gucci
Watch, Gucci

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