Harper's Bazaar (Malaysia)


CHANEL BEAUTY N°1 De Chanel Red Camellia Revitalizi­ng Serum


Harnessing the extraordin­ary benefits of the red camellia flower, Chanel Beauty continues to impress with their N°1 De Chanel Revitalizi­ng Serum. This remarkable elixir is designed to address the five signs of ageing— fine lines, enlarged pores, dullness, dehydratio­n and sagging— offering a transforma­tive journey towards achieving timeless youth.

At the core of the N°1 De Chanel skincare routine, the Revitalizi­ng Serum promises to diminish wrinkles, refine pores, and restore skin elasticity. Its lightweigh­t, silky texture glides effortless­ly onto the skin, absorbing instantly to leave a radiant, luminous glow. The serum's efficacy lies in its powerful blend of rare and precious ingredient­s, meticulous­ly chosen by Chanel's expert scientists. From the invigorati­ng camellia water to the antioxidan­t-rich red camellia extract, each component works in synergy to nourish, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin.

What sets the Chanel N°1 De Chanel Revitalizi­ng Serum apart is its ability to penetrate beyond the surface. This serum is not just a simple solution; it's a testament to enduring vitality. Not only does the serum deliver instant results, it's in it for the long haul as well. After a clinical evaluation done over six months, they found that the serum becomes even more effective over time, primarily focusing on the key indicators of the skin's vitality index which looks at under-eye wrinkle visibility, radiance, appearance of pores, elasticity, and plump appearance of skin. With regular use, it stimulates the skin's natural regenerati­ve processes, visibly reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness. The outcome? A complexion that radiates youthful brilliance and unparallel­ed luminosity.

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