Harper's Bazaar (Malaysia)


LANCÔME Advanced Génifique Serum


When Lancôme launched its Advanced Génifique Serum in 2009, it revolution­ised the beauty industry, quickly becoming an iconic product for achieving healthier, younger-looking skin. Winner of Best Serum, the Advanced Génifique is truly unmatched when it comes to efficacy and withstandi­ng even the most extreme conditions.

Investing in a high-quality serum is essential for any skincare routine. Serums penetrate deep into the skin, delivering potent ingredient­s that target specific concerns like ageing, dullness, and uneven texture. The Advanced Génifique Serum stands out in this category, providing visible, transforma­tive results that make it one of our must-haves.

The result of fifteen years' worth of product research and two decades of study into the field of microbiome science has birthed an undeniable elixir that addresses the impacts of internal and external stressors causing premature signs of skin ageing.

Each bottle contains the power of 6 billion pre and probiotic fractions, meticulous­ly selected for their ability to nourish and repair the skin. This potent blend supports the skin's microbiome is a game-changer, promoting a balanced skin ecosystem that helps the skin remain hydrated, smooth, and radiant. Lancôme's commitment to scientific excellence ensures that Advanced Génifique not only meets but exceeds the expectatio­ns of its users. Its lightweigh­t, fast-absorbing texture makes it suitable for all skin types, providing instant hydration without feeling greasy.

Lancôme's rigorous testing methods further underscore the serum's effectiven­ess. Through extensive studies, including a year-long test on 180 women and a gender-inclusive study involving over 2,000 participan­ts, Lancôme proved that Advanced Génifique delivers consistent, remarkable results. The serum has been shown to reduce fine lines, smooth wrinkles, and improve overall skin quality, even under challengin­g conditions. This comprehens­ive approach ensures that anyone and everyone can benefit from its transforma­tive effects.

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