Tatler Malaysia

Somnuek Klangnok

Artist known as Parn in Bangkok


Firmly in the top echelon of Thailand’s current crop of contempora­ry artists, Somnuek Klangnok, who produces illustrati­ons and paintings under the name Parn, is known for his unique style, which boasts exaggerate­d lines and forms in almost caricature-like depictions. He produces his work at his Bangkok apartment, where a small corner of the house is set up as a creative space. “To call it a studio might be overstatin­g things,” he laughs. “But I love this space. I find it very relaxing and I spend much of my time here even when I’m not working. It’s my nest, my place of personal comfort and safety, and if I had to describe it I would say it is like something from Alice in Wonderland— ordered chaos built on streams of vivid imaginatio­n.”

The tools of Somnuek’s trade are everywhere—tubes of paint, pots of brushes and canvases galore stacked against walls and on the large wooden table where he paints. What also catches the eye are bright floral arrangemen­ts. “I do them myself. Having fresh flowers makes a space livelier,” Klangnok says. “I think it’s important to make your home work area inviting and beautiful because a beautiful space helps to inspire. When I’m here working I play background music on my Bluetooth speakers and it’s like I’m in a cocoon. I can lose hours like that every day.”

Currently preparing to exhibit his latest collection of paintings in New York, although exactly when that will happen depends very much on the pandemic situation, the artist cites a latest personal achievemen­t brought on by the lockdown. “I have been going to bed early and waking up to see the sunrise. I’m a night owl, never have been a morning person, so that’s quite an accomplish­ment for me,” he laughs.

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Artist’s quarters: Painting from a small nook in his home, Klangnok’s space is filled with tubes of paint, pots of brushes and always a display of flowers he arranges himself

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