New Straits Times

Call to lead in Southeast Asia

AUTOMOTIVE PUSH: Industry players urged to be more aggressive, proactive to stay competitiv­e


MALAYSIA can and should be leading Southeast Asia in the automotive sector, said Internatio­nal Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.

For this, automotive industry players should be more aggressive and proactive to remain competitiv­e and resilient, as well as seek new market opportunit­ies, he said.

Mustapa emphasised on exports, saying it should be high on the automotive companies’ priority.

“I remain convinced that the future of Malaysia’s automotive industry is bright and the government will do all it can to work closely with all stakeholde­rs and undertake the necessary measures to spur the developmen­t of the industry.

“Ultimately, however, the success of this push depends on the industry players themselves. The key test is whether we have the determinat­ion to see this through,” said Mustapa at the launch of Perodua Bezza, here, yesterday.

He said the Bezza was a trailblaze­r for Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (Perodua) as it was the second national carmaker’s first in-house designed and developed model.

“The Bezza should be a symbol of what we are capable of, and a reminder that we can be even better. We should never be content where we are but should always forge ahead.”

Earlier, Perodua president and chief executive officer Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said the company was revamping the structure of its exports and putting more resources into it.

“In the first six months of this year, we exported 2,100 units to Indonesia and Sri Lanka. There will be another 2,700 units (for exports) for the rest of the year. This is slightly better than last year and something we want to improve, but please give us some time (to work on it).”

On the prospects in the automotive sector, Mustapa said Malaysiaba­sed companies stood to gain from the Trans Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP) agreement.

“Once the TPP comes into force, they will gain preferenti­al access,” he added.

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