New Straits Times

Violence begets more violence


EXPLOSIVE: Online sharing of violent events can have far-reaching consequenc­es

THE last two months have been tragic indeed. Beginning with the Dhaka cafe siege in Bangladesh to the deaths of two United States black men — Alton Sterling and Philando Castile — at the hands of police officers, things just took a turn for the worse.

The violence escalated with more killings, with each incident getting worse.

Human nature takes a strong stand against injustices, no matter how twisted they end up being perceived.

Every act deemed oppressive serves as a conduit to exact justice, which satisfies the desire to emerge victorious.

These are a few observatio­ns from the incidents.

Sharing will illicit powerful responses

Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, now everybody can, and wants to see live developmen­ts.

Not sales promotions or product launches, but sensationa­l ones like suicide and violent acts.

The July 6 live video of Castile’s bloodsoake­d white T-shirt as he sat dying in his car seat, with a policeman spewing expletives and gun pointed at him, is seared in the minds of Americans.

That was made worst with the rough treatment endured by his girlfriend (who live-fed the incident) while she was arrested, and the poignant moment when the voice of a little girl, believed to be the girlfriend’s daughter who also witnessed the shooting, could be heard comforting her.

Such gory scenes would never pass media censorship anywhere, but they bore the ugly truth to what really happened. And through social media platforms, they can be laid bare for the world to see. Ultimately, it is up to viewers to interpret the scenario.

Unfortunat­ely, within 24 hours, retaliatio­n came in the form of Micah Johnson, 25, who ambushed and fatally shot five policemen at a Black Lives Matter march in Dallas, Texas.

On July 17, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where Sterling was shot dead, three policemen, including one who is black, were killed by US Marine veteran Gavin Long.

In Europe, the Islamic State group was busy airing its violent activities.

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