New Straits Times

Rooney still needed


the internatio­nals in September.

“Will I wait until I meet the players? I think so. Put it this way — I still think Wayne Rooney still has a massive place to play in the England side. I don’t think there is any doubt about that.”

Allardyce would not be drawn on whether he thinks Rooney is more suited to a midfield or striking role, and plans to follow Mourinho’s lead on where to deploy the player.

“What’s Rooney’s best position? I’m not saying! I think Jose will determine that,” added Allardyce.

“Because if Jose says he is not going to play him in centre midfield and he is playing up front and scoring goals for Manchester United then it would be pointless me bringing him into England and playing him in centre midfield.”

Allardyce, 61, acknowledg­ed it is inevitable there will be occasions when

VALUED: Striker key to England’s plans, says Allardyce

rest, followed by treatment and rehabilita­tion and he will be out for a period of between three and four months,” said the medical and sports science head Stijn Vandenbrou­cke.

Midfielder Manuel Lanzini also suffered a knee injury at the weekend playing for Argentina in a Rio Olympics warm-up game against Colombia and is set to be replaced for the Games.

“We are in close contact with Manuel and the AFA (Argentine Football Associatio­n), who have started a late-release replacemen­t procedure with the IOC (Internatio­nal Olympic Committee),” said Vandenbrou­cke.

“Until he has been assessed by the IOC, he cannot be replaced, but after this process has been completed we want him to return to England to be assessed by our own medical staff as soon as possible.” Reuters he clashes with Premier League managers now he has crossed over into internatio­nal management.

He said: “The demands on Premier League managers and demand on me as England manager is bound to cause some conflict down the line because the pressures are far greater than ever before.

“I think we suffered more sackings than ever before. So they are bound to want to protect their players and that is what I have to try and overcome with a little bit of give and take, hopefully.”

Allardyce, who signed a two-year contract to manage England, has promised his players that they will work in a “fun” environmen­t while he is in charge.

“We don’t have to make it too monotonous when we are actually together,” he explained.

“My style is very much in terms of man-management having a good relationsh­ip with the players. Not being distant. That’s not my style. I like to be in amongst the banter.”

Martin Glenn, the England FA’s chief executive, claimed that Allardyce was the only candidate that was offered the England job.

And the former Blackburn, Bolton, Newcastle and Sunderland boss received a positive endorsemen­t from legendary Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson, who was consulted over

jokes with his players during a training session in Shanghai on Thursday. the appointmen­t.

“The single biggest thing (Ferguson said) was he’s a winner. He’s got the edge. Winners can sometimes be a bit awkward. That was his phrase. He’s a winner,” Glenn said.

Sammy Lee, Allardyce’s former assistant at Bolton Wanderers, will be part of England’s backroom staff while Glenn also confirmed that the FA are holding talks with Bayern Munich assistant coach Paul Clement over a part-time


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Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho AFP pic AFP
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