New Straits Times

Determined to deliver


EXCITED: Michelle, Kelly vow to make the most of their opportunit­y

MOSQUITO magnet Michelle Koh will be taking extra precaution­s in Rio de Janeiro, but she is not going to let the tiny pest spoil her maiden Olympics party.

Being among the first four Malaysians to play in the Olympics has a very special meaning for her.

“It’s really a dream come true. A few years ago, it was only a hazy goal and even today it is hard for me to believe that it’s really happening.

“Everyone around me is very supportive and very happy with this wonderful opportunit­y that I have been presented with. And with my dad on the bag all the way, I can’t ask for more,” said Michelle.

And what about the Zika virus, which has seen some of the top golfers in the world withdraw?

“Actually I am a little worried as I’m like a mosquito magnet! But the fear is not going to keep me away from the Games. I will be taking extra precaution­s while I'm there, that’s for sure.

“Like always, I give my best regardless whether I’m playing on my own, or playing for the country. This is a great chance to make my country proud and I’m not about to cave in tamely.”

Kelly Tan is equally excited over her Olympics adventure.

“As soon as golf was announced to be in the Olympics, it became my goal to try to play my way in. And I’m very happy I got myself a spot to represent my country at the biggest sporting stage in the world,” said Kelly.

“It is a huge honour for me and being an

Olympian is something very special.

“I feel like I’ve been playing good golf leading up to the

Olympics with the LPGA schedule. I will be seeing my coach the week before I head to Rio and I will be doing my best!

“But as it is the first time to be in the Olympics, I really don’t know what it’s going to be like. But I’ll be very happy to walk away with any medal.

“My mum and dad will be there to cheer me on and it is going to be very exciting. They haven’t got to watch me play this year as I’ve been over in the US so it will be really awesome to have them there with me to experience this.”

 ??  ?? Actually I am a little worried as I’m like a mosquito magnet! But the fear is not going to keep me away from the Games.”
Michelle Koh
Actually I am a little worried as I’m like a mosquito magnet! But the fear is not going to keep me away from the Games.” Michelle Koh MICHELLE KOH
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