New Straits Times

Ikram extends dominance


NATIONAL archer Ikram Joni contribute­d another gold for Kelantan in the individual eliminatio­n round yesterday, to bring his total to three.

Ikram beat Terengganu’s Amierul Rosani 6-0, making not only a clean sweep in the event, but become the sole gold contribute­r to the Kelantan archery contingent so far.

In the women’s individual eliminatio­n, Terengganu’s Nur Aliya Gahar beat Kelantan’s Azuanis Abdullah 7-1 for the gold.

Ikram was expected to hit the bulls eye in this event, but the silver medallist is a surprise package.

Terengganu team manager Ahmad Jalani said Amierul is only a recent inclusion into the sport, and is a state product who has yet to break into the elite programme.

“Finishing second by eliminatin­g many other elite archers is a very good result for Amierul, and I believe he deserves just as much credit as his more experience­d gold medallist opponent,” said Ahmad,

To date, Terengganu have won three gold, four silver and four bronze in archery.

“The state has a very good developmen­t plan for archery, and many of them here today were just brought in for the exposure but delivered medals instead.

“The target was to expose Amierul in Kuching, and he should be ready for gold in the next Games. But he outdid himself, and his future in the sport looks very exciting,” added Ahmad.

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