New Straits Times

Jamal declares war on Bersih 5


‘DOUBLE STANDARD’: Red Shirt leader to mobilise members nationwide

RED Shirt leader Datuk Seri Jamal Yunos yesterday declared an all-out war against Bersih 5 after saying he could not accept his arrest by police.

Speaking after he was released from a two-day remand, he said although he understood the police’s responsibi­lity to ensure public order, he could not accept it.

“It’s a double standard and an insult towards me. Just imagine my wife’s feelings, especially my children’s, seeing their father being arrested and handcuffed just after coming out of the arrival gate at Kuala Lumpur Internatio­nal Airport.

“I did not deserve that. Therefore, I declare war against Bersih and will mobilise the Red Shirt movement nationwide to fight Bersih,” he said outside the Dang Wangi district police headquarte­rs.

Jamal, who is Sungai Besar Umno division chief, said police should also arrest those from Bersih.

“It’s unfair how the ‘yellow people’ are being treated and none of them got arrested despite holding four demonstrat­ions, trying to topple the government.

“Now, they’re going to hold their fifth protest,” he said, adding that the Red Shirts would counter by holding their own gathering at Dataran Merdeka here on Nov 5.

He said he was questioned for allegedly making a social media posting, warning that the May 13 tragedy would recur if the Bersih 5 rally took place.

“During my arrest, the Bersih people were happy. Some of them even claimed that I tested positive for drugs.

“They are liars and only want to influence the people to go against the government,” he said.

Jamal was released on police bail about 5pm.

He was greeted by about 50 Red Shirt supporters.

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