New Straits Times

Red Shirts leader Datuk Seri Jamal Md Yunos remanded


‘PLOY’: Ex-PM is using opposition’s platform for personal gain, says Johor Pas

PAS distanced itself from the Bersih 5 rally as it did not want to be “victimised” or manipulate­d by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a political tool.

Johor Pas secretary Azhari Mohamad said many party members refused to participat­e in the rally in Kuala Lumpur and elsewhere in the country as they did not agree with the aspiration­s of Pakatan Harapan leaders and its members who took part in the rally.

“Pas is fully aware of Dr Mahathir’s ploy in taking part in the Bersih 5 rally, and that is why we were cautious about participat­ing.

“We know what kind of man Dr Mahathir is. He is using the opposition’s platform for personal gain and we saw that when he promoted Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) at the rally,” Azhari told the New Sunday Times.

Dr Mahathir, who is PPBM adviser, addressed a crowd of Bersih supporters, clad in yellow T-shirts, in front of the Kuala Lumpur City Centre yesterday and called on them to join PPBM.

The former prime minister told

Tourists crossing the street while police officers maintain order in Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, during the Bersih 5 rally yesterday. Pic by Aizuddin Saad

the crowd that while they might need to wait for the general election, they could think of ways to shorten Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s term in office.

Azhari said Dr Mahathir’s actions in stealing the limelight were expected, as that was what he was good at.

He said while Dr Mahathir had expressed his intention to topple the country’s leadership and gain popularity for his new party, his true

intention was to gain dominance over Barisan Nasional and Umno.

“Even if the opposition wins the general election, Dr Mahathir will eventually leave the opposition as he merely wants to gain power for himself.

“He is trying to gain dominance over a party that he had quit. He wants to rise to power again in the party where he used to be a leader.

“DAP, PKR and Parti Amanah Negara have different ideologies and they are not on the same page as PPBM.

“Dr Mahathir is using his bargaining power and we can see that in the Bersih 5 rally,” said Azhari.

Last month, Pas secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said the party would not participat­e in Bersih 5 as it felt that the movement had objectives that contradict­ed Pas’ principles.

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