New Straits Times

Rally moved to KLCC from Dataran Merdeka


IT HAS BACKFIRED: Out of power and out of office, he suddenly realises that everything is not right in this country

IN his classic speech at Trinity College, Oxford, in 1985 that later became a model for speech-writers, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad stated: “In fact, many authoritar­ian regimes have been the expression of the electorate’s will freely exercised.

“Many authoritar­ian government­s have been elected by the will of the people who want a strong, no-nonsense administra­tion.”

In fact, during his 22 years in office, he resorted to various authoritar­ian measures against political opponents, as readers of Malaysian politics have noted.

He detained opposition supporters and non-political figures when the government was even slightly threatened.

Many of the detentions in 1987 under Op Lalang were examples of this abuse.

To Dr Mahathir, who ruled Malaysia with an iron grip and with ruthlessne­ss towards opponents, democracy is only a means to an end.

He was reported in the media on Oct 14, 1995, as saying: “If liberal democracy only results in insecurity, fear and poverty, then democracy must be tempered with responsibi­lity so that it delivers what it is supposed to deliver.”

Fresh from his Sudan trip, the ageing leader stepped out of his private jet yesterday to lead a rally in Kuala Lumpur to remove the Umno-led government he once helmed.

With his wife, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, and children Marina and Mukhriz in tow — all donning the yellow Bersih 5 T-shirt — they made their way to the KLCC intersecti­on where Dr Mahathir and his newfound ally, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who was dumped as deputy prime minister, took turns to attack the government.

This is the second Bersih rally that

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