New Straits Times

‘Umno must address weaknesses to remain relevant’


Q: It is rumoured that the 14th General Election (GE14) will be held next year. What are the pressing issues that Perak Umno wishes to raise at this year’s Umno General Assembly?

A: As usual, the motions debated at the assembly would cover several aspects, including the president’s policy speech, education and religion.

Umno can’t escape from the things happening in Malaysia and outside the country. We must be able to see our weaknesses and address them to ensure that the party remains relevant. This is the time to see to that.

Q: Should this be the last general assembly before Umno and Barisan Nasional gear up for GE14, what are the issues that you want the party leadership to address in their speeches? A: We expect the president to give directions in preparing for GE14, as well as basic issues (from the grassroots) that require attention from Umno and BN.

More importantl­y, we expect discussion­s to revolve around the challenges that we will face and the lessons we need to learn from what happened around us, locally and globally.

Q: What are the key resolution­s from the previous assemblies that are related to Perak, and how many of them have been implemente­d?

A: In Perak, we strive to win the people’s support. If there are weaknesses, we will make amends and correct the situation.

In the context of the state, the (content of ) motions brought by the divisions in the assembly are gathered from the branches. We have a committee to oversee this.

In the party’s context, it is important that we uphold unity and solidarity, and stand united behind our leaders and party president.

Q: Some say that the Umno General Assembly has become a place for leaders to share jokes instead of discussing important issues. What is your comment on the claim? A: I don’t agree with remarks that the assembly is not serious in addressing issues concerning the people. It is a platform for us to discuss the survival of the party and the future of the nation.

It is not a pentas lawak (stage for humour), but rather, the jokes delivered by some of the delegates in their speeches were only meant to liven up the assembly.

The jokes are filled with criticisms and hidden messages. Bukit Mertajam’s Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir is a delegate known to have included jokes in his speeches and keep the audience in stitches.

But, if we listen to the speeches attentivel­y, we will understand the underlying messages.

Q: Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah’s decision to relinquish his positions in cabinet, Umno and BN has shocked many. How is Perak Umno responding to this, and has a new candidate been identified to replace Husni as the candidate for the Tambun state seat?

A: Despite his action, he is still a Barisan Nasional member of parliament, so any comments made (by him) are those of a BN MP. That is why I refrain from issuing comments against him.

We know Perak better and I strive to maintain harmony here. We must respect his position as a BN leader.

We thank him for his services rendered to the Umno state liaison as my deputy for seven years.

When the time comes, it (the candidate for Tambun) will be announced.

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