New Straits Times

DAP can’t be trusted over ties to Dr M, says Gerakan


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians should not trust DAP for having close ties with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a man the party has chastised for more than two decades, said Gerakan secretary-general Datuk Liang Teck Meng.

Liang said the socalled alliance between Dr Mahathir and DAP, once sworn enemies, was misleading and he urged DAP to apologise to Malaysians.

“Just because Dr Mahathir is now close with DAP, the party assumes that Malaysians have had collective amnesia for 22 years.

“Either DAP has no principles, has the spine of a jellyfish or has misled Malaysians for 22 years,” he said yesterday.

Liang said he was shocked by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng’s speech during the party’s convention on Sunday, that DAP had stated that Dr Mahathir had “never resorted to racist dirty tactics” during his tenure as prime minister.

He said the party was now praising Dr Mahathir for managing the country and economy well.

“It is as if the ‘scandals’ and mismanagem­ent that DAP had alleged and criticised Dr Mahathir for before had never happened.”

Liang said DAP had, during Dr Mahathir’s administra­tion, criticised issues, such as the Port Klang Free Zone project, Bumiputra Malaysia Finance, Perwaja Steel Sdn Bhd and Maminco scandals, independen­t power producer cronies, RM30 billion in forex losses, Op Lalang, judiciary crisis, and economic meltdown in 1985 and 1998.

“More recently, who can forget Dr Mahathir for calling DAP’s Lim Kit Siang as the No. 1 racist or when he attacked Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for being too nice to the Chinese during the 2013 general election?

“If DAP can change its stand, why should Malaysians trust what it says now or in the future?”

 ??  ?? Datuk Liang Teck Meng
Datuk Liang Teck Meng

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