New Straits Times


Tunku Aziz challenges him to debate motion that DAP is ruled and sustained by dictatorsh­ip




EMBATTLED DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has been challenged to another debate to clarify his party’s alleged dictatoria­l leadership on the heels of a debacle over the veteran politician’s decision to pick a Malay as Pakatan Harapan’s top leader.

Throwing the gauntlet was former DAP vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, who said Lim’s stand on democracy was hypocritic­al, as revealed in his strategy to forego Pakatan Harapan’s chairmansh­ip, so as to allay fears among Malays on the prospects of DAP leading the country.

“I know Lim will always deny the fact that he is a dictator and hypocritic­ally talks about democracy.

“I, therefore, challenge him to debate the propositio­n that DAP is ruled and sustained by dictatorsh­ip.

“He is using Malays to weaken the Malays.

“That is why he has refused to become the chairman of Pakatan Harapan, or the opposition leader in Parliament,” Tunku Aziz said here yesterday.

He said Lim’s plan in picking the opposition pact’s chairman was aimed at deceiving the Malays into believing that a Malay would retain the seat of power although the outcome would be the opposite should the Pakatan Harapan pact win the general election.

“The stark reality is that if Pakatan Harapan wins the 14th General Election, Lim will be quick to snap up politics’ most prized jewel — the office of the prime Minister,” Tunku Aziz said.

When met at Parliament later, Lim said he would answer Tunku Aziz’s challenge today, but claimed that his detractors would “squirm” at his response.

“You still want a debate? Okay, tomorrow I’ll answer that.

“To those who ask for a debate, I will reply to them if they are interested.

“But they will squirm when I reply to them.”

Last week, Lim received a debate challenge from Umno Informatio­n chief Tan Sir Annuar Musa, to whom he responded with a similar answer: “I will reply tomorrow”.

The debate has yet to take place.

On a related matter, Tunku Aziz labelled former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s ties with DAP as a “fragile alliance” which would not last because of a lack of mutual trust.

“DAP and Dr Mahathir’s relationsh­ip will not last long.

“It is all about satisfying personal interests instead of about contributi­ng to the country’s developmen­t.

“Dr Mahathir wants to establish his dynasty, whereas Lim will do everything in his power to establish the Lim Dynasty.

“So, when your objective is narrow and limited, your alliance will not make any useful contributi­on.”

 ??  ?? Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim (right) says Lim Kit Siang is using Malays to weaken the Malays.
Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim (right) says Lim Kit Siang is using Malays to weaken the Malays.
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