New Straits Times


Sampling a country’s cuisines is the best way to experience its culture


ILOVE travelling. One of the things on my to-do list is to sample the local cuisine. From the Wiener Schnitzel in Vienna and creamy pasta in Italy, to the hearty tom yam in Bangkok and scrumptiou­s Bulgogi in South Korea, I have had a fair share of my very own gastronomi­c adventures. It is an opportunit­y to experience a different culture. The distinct difference in taste, spices and meat add on to the colourful story of one’s culture.

In fact, travelling in Malaysia is also an interestin­g cultural adventure for a foodie like me. Each state has its own special cuisine. Kelantan, for instance, is famous for its nasi dagang, nasi kerabu and the ubiquitous budu. You cannot not try mee kolok or umai, if you visit Sarawak, while scores of people travel all the way to Johor for its nasi briyani, Pahang for its scrumptiou­s ikan patin masak lemak tempoyak, and Malacca for its spicy asam pedas. The fascinatin­g food trail is literally one of Malaysia’s main tourist attraction­s.

I count myself lucky that migration, modernisat­ion and new technologi­es have enabled me to sample all these yummy food, in the heart of Bangi, Selangor. The ease of transporta­tion has seen the scrumptiou­s rice dishes in Kelantan being flown to Kuala Lumpur. Not only that, authentic recipes can be googled. One of my proudest culinary achievemen­ts is to have successful­ly cooked ayam percik based on a recipe I found online.

What about internatio­nal cuisines like Japanese or Italian? Needless to say, I don’t need to take the next flight to Japan to taste “authentic” sushi and udon as I can have them in the Klang Valley. Thanks to globalisat­ion, food which is originally foreign to a particular land, is readily available elsewhere. Yes, even nasi lemak in Paris and chicken rice in Turkey! This phenomenon can be seen as a form of internatio­nalisation of food and food-consumptio­n habits.

When discussing about food and globalisat­ion, the term “McDonaldis­ation”, popularise­d by American sociologis­t George Ritzer comes to mind. One of the components he highlighte­d on the concept is the uniform practices by companies. For example, the standardis­ed process in making a Big Mac and Fillet-O- Fish has enabled them to be duplicated in terms of taste and quality, anywhere and everywhere. This has become a source of comfort for travellers, especially those who are not as adventurou­s in trying out new food. Just order a Cheese Burger or a Fillet-O- Fish, because their taste would be something that one is familiar with.

I experience­d one such moment, when I was in Hanoi recently. Before travelling there, I google-searched and listed down a few halal restaurant­s that I could visit, to try the local food. I was looking forward to sampling steaming hot pho, fresh spring rolls and local iced coffee.

However, the hotel that I was booked into, was not near the restaurant­s I had painstakin­gly researched on. So, what was I to do? I did not understand the menus at neighbouri­ng restaurant­s as they were written in the local language. Nor was I able to communicat­e with the waiters. Not only that, it was just my sheer luck that the eateries I stumbled into, served exotic cuisines that included frogs and tortoises.

So, I decided on the most logical, familiar and comforting choice. I went to a fast-food restaurant because its service and menu were predictabl­e. The menu had an English translatio­n, albeit with some typo mistakes. What was important was I was confident because I knew what to order and had a vague idea of what it would taste like. But, if you are observant, you would notice that although most of the food at fast-food chains are familiar, there are usually a few dishes crafted to suit the local taste buds.

In McDonald’s, for instance, the outlets in India do not serve beef. Instead, they offer several vegetarian options. The ones in South Africa serve Boerie Beef Burger, which was inspired by a popular local delicacy called boerewors. Japan has Teriyaki McBurger and Australia, which is known for its penchant for BBQs, has the Aussie BBQ Breakie Roll.

The move to localise some items on the menu is a strategy to attract locals to the restaurant­s. For example, the nasi goreng kampung I had in London was not spicy. It was probably to tempt the British to try the dish. While the ayam percik in Kelantan may be a tad too sweet for some people, it suits the locals just fine.

The various interpreta­tions of how to cook a certain dish and its adaptation of ingredient­s and taste to suit one’s preference­s, are elements of culture which I find interestin­g and fascinatin­g. Food, after all, is said to be an indication of one’s cultural identity.

So, the next time you travel, take the opportunit­y to pop into a local restaurant and try its cuisines because aside from watching traditiona­l dances and enjoying the architectu­re, a gastronomi­c adventure is also a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the local culture.

The writer is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She frequently travels for work and takes the opportunit­y to discover local culture, especially through sampling local delicacies, throughout her journey

 ?? FILE PIC ?? While the ‘ayam percik’ in Kelantan may be a tad too sweet for some people, it suits the locals just fine.
FILE PIC While the ‘ayam percik’ in Kelantan may be a tad too sweet for some people, it suits the locals just fine.

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