New Straits Times


It could backfire at home as the majority of Americans oppose long-term military commitment­s



UNITED States President Donald Trump turned in his chair at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, to get a better look at China’s president, Xi Jinping, intent on detecting his reaction to the news he had just dropped: US missiles were slamming into an airfield in northern Syria.

It took a few moments, but Xi’s eyes widened in surprise, and he asked his translator to repeat what was said, according to three people who spoke with Trump after that night two weeks ago. This was exactly the response he was hoping to elicit — surprise, uncertaint­y and a sense that the rational, predictabl­e statecraft of former president Barack Obama had given way to Trump’s more assertive vision of American power.

Trump’s confrontat­ional and improvisat­ional approach to foreign affairs has lifted his mood, fortunes and poll numbers in recent days. There are signs it has also made an impact on the Chinese, prodding them to finally use their leverage with their errant neighbour, North Korea.

But, Trump’s mix of chest thumping and real action — the missile attack and the use of a huge bomb against Islamic militants in Afghanista­n — entails serious risks overseas. It could also backfire at home, where most Americans, and many of the populist conservati­ves who back him, oppose long-term military commitment­s.

The biggest risk, critics say, is that Trump will talk himself into a war. Only slightly less dangerousl­y, he could weaken the nation’s standing by backing off from a threat to use force.

“In Beijing, Moscow, Teheran, they are recalibrat­ing their strategies — you can’t deny it — because they don’t have any idea of how Trump will respond,” said Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the highest-ranking Democrat on the intelligen­ce committee.

“That might be great in the short term,” he added, “but it’s not really a long-term strategy for asserting leadership in a world desperate for American leadership.” Warner, who criticised Obama for his failure to act more strongly in Syria, said: “China, Russia and Iran have real, long-term strategies. Why don’t we have one, too?”

Trump did not time the strike against Syria to impress Xi, according to White House officials. But he clearly recognised that disclosing the news during their dinner in Palm Beach, Florida, had a dramatic flair that would establish his toughness and unpredicta­bility, while also pressuring Beijing to tame North Korea, its misbehavin­g client state.

The president’s defenders say those qualities will help restore the US’s place in the world.

“He’s far more in keeping with 70 years of postwar American leadership than Obama was,” said Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, a staunch Trump ally.

But, Trump’s show of strength in the Middle East was undercut in his response to North Korea by one of his administra­tion’s alltoo-common errors. After Trump warned that: “We’re sending an armada...” to the waters off the Korean Peninsula, the Carl Vinson, the aircraft carrier that leads the strike group, was photograph­ed sailing through Indonesia, thousands of kilometres away.

“Your words have to match your actions,” said Democratic Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, a former Army ranger who is the ranking member of the armed services committee. “If it’s just bluffing, well, that’s dangerous. If it’s because the president was not informed and a mistake because he had bad informatio­n, that’s problemati­c, too.”

In South Korea, feelings were raw, with newspaper headlines branding the episode “Trump’s lie over the Carl Vinson ” and politician­s warning that they might never again be able to trust the president’s word.

Trump has pivoted to foreign affairs after a succession of humbling domestic policy defeats — discoverin­g, as his predecesso­rs did, that presidents can operate with more latitude in matters of war and peace than on tax policy or healthcare legislatio­n.

In a series of taunts, Twitter messages and hawkish pronouncem­ents by surrogates like Vice-President Mike Pence, Trump has overturned Theodore Roosevelt’s dictum to “speak softly and carry a big stick”.

But his bombastic statements have often been paired with policy reversals, on matters like the North Atlantic Treaty Organisati­on, which he once wanted to mothball and now supports, or Russia, which he once saw as a potential ally and now views with suspicion.

Though Trump’s words can be harsh and intemperat­e, his actions have proved less so. As a result, diplomats say, leaders are not yet able to draw firm conclusion­s about his foreign policy.

“There is the impression that President Trump is moving away from his campaign statements and pivoting back to the Republican mainstream on major foreign and security issues. But people in Europe aren’t connecting the dots and saying ‘This is the new Trump doctrine’,” says German ambassador to the US Peter Wittig. “

Foreign-policy theorists sometimes compare Trump’s erratic approach to that of Richard Nixon, who pursued what he called the “madman theory” of statecraft. By behaving vaguely unhinged — obsessed with communism, his finger poised unsteadily on the nuclear button — Nixon hoped to force North Vietnam into negotiatio­ns to end the Vietnam War.

“It was aimed at both our allies and adversarie­s, and it appears to have worked, to some degree,” said Eric S. Edelman, a former undersecre­tary of defence for policy during George W. Bush’s administra­tion who now teaches at Johns Hopkins University.

But Edelman drew some critical distinctio­ns between the two presidents. Nixon’s “madman” act generally masked a calculated strategy, which is not yet evident in Trump’s approach. Nixon’s national security team was better coordinate­d than Trump’s, at least so far. And even in Nixon’s case, the madman strategy worked better later in his presidency, when he and his aides were more seasoned.

Trump won praise for his missile strike on Syria, even from those who have criticised his approach to other crises.

Though the president moved swiftly — and by all accounts, emotionall­y — after a deadly chemical weapons attack by Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad, the attack was measured, well planned and followed by an aggressive White House effort to establish Russia’s complicity with the Assad government.

“That missile strike certainly had to get Putin’s attention, and it did show we were determined to enforce internatio­nal norms on chemical weapons,” said Antony J. Blinken, who was deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser in the Obama administra­tion. “Equally important was the effort to tie Russia to the use of chemical weapons.”

Blinken has more reservatio­ns about how Trump has approached North Korea. While in the White House, Blinken helped coordinate a two-pronged pressure campaign against the North Korean government. The first part involved leaning on China to use its vast leverage over Pyongyang. The second involved persuading countries that do business with North Korea to refuse entry to its guest workers; expel its diplomats, who are engaged in illicit activities; and deny landing rights to its state airline.

Trump has opted for a noisier, more direct approach, threatenin­g North Korea with military action if it does not curb its provocatio­ns. But behind the hard-line rhetoric, the president is actually pursuing a strategy not unlike that of his predecesso­r: tightening the economic vise on Pyongyang in the hopes of forcing it to make concession­s.

The trouble with Trump’s approach, says Blinken, is the gap between his words and his actions.

“You risk others miscalcula­ting on the basis of bravado. We always thought it was better to talk softly but clearly, and to carry a big stick,” he said. NYT

 ?? AP PIC ?? US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, earlier this month.
AP PIC US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, earlier this month.

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