New Straits Times

‘Anti-DAP pledge will turn voters against Pakatan’


KUALA LUMPUR: Pas’s vow to prevent DAP and its allies from winning the upcoming 14th General Election will persuade Malay voters, especially those who support Pas, against supporting Pakatan Harapan.

National Professors’ Council political cluster head Professor Datuk Seri Dr Mohamed Mustafa Ishak said Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang was sending a strong message by saying the party would defend the Malays’ right to rule the country.

“Although Pas is an opposition party that competes with Umno, they realise that as far as Islamic interests are concerned, Umno and Barisan Nasional would be the better government compared with the DAP-led opposition.”

He said despite all the issues surroundin­g the government and Umno, “rightthink­ing” Malays would vote for BN instead of Pakatan Harapan.

“What Hadi is trying to say is that if you (Pas supporters) simply channel your anger towards the government by voting for DAP and Pakatan Harapan, you may get an even worse government,” he told the New Sunday Times yesterday.

Mustafa, who is also Universiti Utara Malaysia vice-chancellor, said Hadi’s statement could not be dismissed as he had experience working with DAP, PKR and Parti Amanah Negara for several years.

“Pas believes their policies and effort to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdicti­on) Act 1965 have received the Federal Government’s blessing.

“But other opposition parties are either not in favour of the act or have no common stand on it,” he said.

Hadi affirmed Pas Ulama’s stand to prevent DAP and its allies from wresting Putrajaya as it would threaten Islamic interests at the party’s 63rd muktamar on Friday.

Mustafa said Pas would rather go it alone in GE14 than work with DAP and its allies, adding that Pas had contested in previous general elections alone.

“The question we need to ask is whether Pakatan will be able to make an impact in the coming election without Pas’s help.”

 ??  ?? Professor Datuk Seri Dr Mohamed Mustafa Ishak
Professor Datuk Seri Dr Mohamed Mustafa Ishak

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