New Straits Times

Are there medically-unfit heavy vehicle drivers on our roads?


I REFER to the report “5 doctors, runners charged over licence scam” (NST, May 31).

Whenever a nasty accident happens on the highway and lives are lost, the public is quick to point fingers at the bus/lorry/trailer driver for the mishap for being reckless, negligent and going over the speed limit and, or question the roadworthi­ness of the vehicle.

However, the court case in Penang on May 30 where five doctors and two insurance agents were charged with trying to deceive the Road Transport Department into processing the goods and public service vehicle licences of two drivers, revealed a new aspect: medically-unfit drivers or drivers who have drug addiction problems.

It was earlier reported that the said Penang doctors allegedly received a fee from heavy vehicle drivers for certifying their medical fitness without physically examining them.

The frightenin­g implicatio­n is there are medically unfit or sick heavy vehicle drivers on our highways and roads who may suffer from a sudden heart attack or stroke while driving.

This may result in accidents, the loss of many innocent lives and seriously injuring people, some who may be forever impaired.

The element of greed is obvious. Doctors who are supposed to save lives seem to have no conscience. To earn a quick buck, they flout rules and continue this evil act till they get caught.

The unrelentin­g efforts by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to haul up these culprits bring cold comfort to those who lost loved ones through motor accidents due to compromise­d safety standards.

Neverthele­ss, MACC must be lauded for its zeal to stem out corruption among those who contribute to highway accidents.

Hopefully in future, the authoritie­s, especially the Road Safety Department will probe deeper when providing an explanatio­n on the cause of an accident.

The Penang case involving the five doctors may be just the tip of the iceberg.

The story within a story also needs to be thoroughly investigat­ed and the public be informed accordingl­y.

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