New Straits Times

3,000 bound for Indonesia left stranded


PORT KLANG: Thousands of Indonesian­s have been left stranded at a ferry terminal here as the ferry service is unable to cater to their balik kampung exodus for Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

The management of Asa Niaga Internatio­nal Terminal Harbour City has estimated that around 3,000 people had to “camp” at the terminal until Hari Raya, which is expected to fall on Sunday, as many had shown up at the last minute to get the ferry tickets.

Its executive chairman, Datuk Shaari Jihin, said the company had five ferries and each vessel could carry up to 300 passengers.

“They should have booked their tickets at least two weeks in advance to enable them to take the trip home for Hari Raya.

“Our ferry takes about 10 hours for a return trip to Tanjung Balai in Sumatra. Each ferry can only make one round trip a day,” he told the New Straits Times at the terminal yesterday .

Shaari was distributi­ng bubur lambuk to civil servants on duty and passengers at the terminal.

Passenger Ahmad Agus Ibrahim, 43, said his family of five had planned to celebrate Hari Raya in their hometown in Tanjung Balai, and went to the terminal yesterday to catch a ferry.

“It has been three years since we last returned to our hometown, and my family is looking forward to reaching home today. As there are no more seats available, we have to wait until tomorrow,” said Agus, who works as a labourer in Klang.

Another passenger Muhammad Budi, 29, shared the same feeling of frustratio­n after failing to get a ferry ticket.

“I expected to reach home the latest by tomorrow. But now, I don’t know whether I can make it home in time for Hari Raya.

“Hopefully I will be able to get a ferry tomorrow (today) or Saturday,” said Muhammad, who works as a waiter.

He said he was anxious about getting home early because his father was not feeling well.

 ?? PIC BY MUHAMMAD SULAIMAN ?? Some of those left stranded at Asa Niaga Internatio­nal Terminal Harbour City, Port Klang, yesterday.
PIC BY MUHAMMAD SULAIMAN Some of those left stranded at Asa Niaga Internatio­nal Terminal Harbour City, Port Klang, yesterday.

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