New Straits Times



personnel in organisati­ons, there will be colleagues, teammates or department heads who will borrow your ideas and say that those are theirs.

Though they may say that since both of you belong to the same team and that it does matter who presents the idea, it is wise to shut them up and give no second chances.

Remember to ask for due credit when you find yourself in these situations.

Some are in the bullying and gossiping group. Some are fond of making and engaging in wellintend­ed humour, being aggressive or discrimina­ting against people.

If you witness employees being bullied, stand up for them. Don’t let anyone bully you as it should not be tolerated.

If you experience bullying, talk to the Human Resource Department.

Gossiping and making up tales about someone are bad.

Gossiping is human nature and this behaviour cannot be erased from workplaces.

Rumours should not be allowed for discussion.

Workaholic­s are toxic too. When people are on the way home or at home, they will have unfinished work to do.

Some even work during holidays.

They might appear friendly, but may back-stab people.

Though teamwork and team support are an important part of workplaces, some people are manipulati­ve and will trick you into believing that they will always support you, but they don’t.

Nobody goes to work to become friends with two-faced colleagues.

Ensure that you confirm with others about what they let you know.

If you think somebody is leading you on, be it with regards to work, a venture or a meeting, don’t put resources into building an enduring associatio­n with them.

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