New Straits Times

‘Ambiga should not keep quiet’

PAP demands Ambiga rebuts allegation­s if they’re untrue instead of keeping mum


MORE people are demanding that Datuk S. Ambiga clear the air about her allegedly being the source of Sarawak Report’s claim that the PM gave money to Pas leaders.

PEOPLE’S Alternativ­e Par ty ( PA P) wants Datuk S. Ambiga to come clean after she was named as the source of Sarawak Report’s claims that Pas’ top leaders had allegedly received money from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

PAP vice-president Rahmad Isahak said she should come forward to refute the allegation and clear her name if it was untrue.

“She should not keep quiet if the claims, contained in court documents, are slanderous, more so being a lawyer.

“For as long as she keeps quiet, her integrity and credibilit­y as a law practition­er will be questionab­le as it has broken the code of ethics,” he said.

Rahmad said if the allegation­s were true, doubts about her integrity would arise as she handled many cases for clients.

“As such, she has no alternativ­e, but to come forward and clear the air.

“There is no need for her to wait until her statements are taken before she reveals the truth on who her informant is.

“With the 14th General Election approachin­g, the public has every right to know the truth in this matter,” he added.

Ambiga was named by Clare Rewcastle-Brown as the source.

This came about after Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang filed a defamation suit against Rewcastle-Brown in London. Ambiga, however, has refused to comment.

In Kuala Lumpur,

Umno Grassroots Movement chairman Datuk Zulkarnain Mahdar has lodged a police report against Ambiga.

He said while the claims against Pas leaders remained unfounded, he believed RewcastleB­rown was aware of the dire consequenc­es of naming Ambiga as her source.

“Pas is a unique party where it has its own way of generating income, such as through public donations and contributi­ons (infak) from its assets.

“I believe Pas does not need financial aid from Umno, considerin­g Kelantan acts as a stable source of income for them”, he said at a press conference in front of the Sri Petaling police station here yesterday.

Zulkarnain said Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s courage in filing the defamation suit against RewcastleB­rown in 2015 showed his dedication to clear Pas’ name.

“If the accusation­s by Rewcastle-Brown were true, I am sure Hadi would be afraid to proceed with the suit.”

She should not keep quiet if the claims, contained in court documents, are slanderous, more so being a lawyer.


PAP vice-president

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Datuk Zulkarnain Mahdar
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