New Straits Times


Issue of fake news needs to be taken seriously, says Najib


PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s active involvemen­t in social media earned him the Global Leadership Award in Social Media Engagement yesterday.

Presenting the award at the launch of Malaysia Social Media Week 2017 was Malaysia Social Media Chambers founder and president Shahul Dawood Hameed.

Najib has 3.8 million followers on Twitter, 3.3 million on Facebook and 337,000 on Instagram.

At the same event, Najib also presented the 2017 Social Media Icon Award to comedian and actor Zizan Razak.

Earlier in his speech, Najib said the issue of fake news needed to be viewed seriously.

“A well-known American political strategist has described it (fake news) as one of the ‘biggest political problems’ in the world, and we must take it very seriously here in Malaysia. We do not want anyone to take decisions based on lies, distortion­s and smears.”

In reference to recent allegation­s by the opposition over Malaysia’s economic growth, transporta­tion developmen­t and internatio­nal relations, Najib said facts trumped lies.

“Do not dispute these facts: Malaysia’s economy grew 5.7 per cent in the first half of the year, our world-class Mass Rapid Transit lines and Malaysia are respected around the world, from Washington, DC and Beijing to Riyadh, New Delhi and London.”

Najib reminded social media users to be fair and responsibl­e over their posts.

“There are many fake news out there, that the Economist magazine this week asked if social media is a threat to democracy.”

Najib said if there was any truth to fake news being spread about the country, the recognitio­n of Malaysia’s achievemen­ts by internatio­nal institutio­ns would not have been made.

“If Malaysia was on the verge of bankruptcy or being a failed state, would the World Bank say that the Malaysian economy is proceeding from a position of strength?”

On Malaysia’s participat­ion in the digital economy, Najib reiterated the government’s commitment to providing income opportunit­ies, for among others, youths and the Bottom 40 per cent group.

“The government, along with stakeholde­rs, like the Social Media Chambers, will work to design strategies and promote comprehens­ive efforts to facilitate this transition (into digital economy).

“As Malaysia now boldly advances into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the services and manufactur­ing sectors continue to be crucial to our future growth, which is why we have allocated funds in the excess of RM1 billion to spur activity in these sectors.”

Najib said efforts to lay a solid foundation for Malaysia’s digital economy had been ongoing.

“Over the last two years, the eRezeki and eUsahawan programmes have been proven to be crucial in laying a solid foundation for the developmen­t of digital economy.”

On a larger scale, the government through the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporatio­n (MDEC) has outlined a plan to diversify MSC Malaysia Cybercentr­es.

“These new digital hubs are aimed at encouragin­g more venues to be optimised for MSC Malaysia corporates.

“Through the efforts of government and MDEC, Malaysia has risen to be one of the leading ecommerce markets, generating a revenue of US$2.3 billion (RM9.7 billion)”

 ?? PIC BY ASWADI ALIAS ?? Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak presenting the 2017 Social Media Icon Award to comedian and actor Zizan Razak in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
PIC BY ASWADI ALIAS Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak presenting the 2017 Social Media Icon Award to comedian and actor Zizan Razak in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

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