New Straits Times

Rahman: Kit Siang’s silence a betrayal


KUALA LUMPUR: DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang is betraying his political mantra of serving all races by remaining silent on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s derogatory remarks about the Bugis community.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan yesterday questioned why Lim, who had declared himself a leader of all races subscribin­g to the policy of racial equality, had not stated his stand on the issue.

“He should rebuke Dr Mahathir and ask him to apologise.

“If he is not doing that, then he risks being called a racist by others.

“And by being silent, he is actually betraying his political mantra of racial equality,” he said.

Dr Mahathir had, in a recent speech, insulted the Bugis community in a tirade aimed at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, calling him a pirate as he is of Bugis ancestry.

“Dr Mahathir’s derogatory statement against the Bugis community is an embarrassm­ent to Malaysia.

“Indonesian leaders are asking Dr Mahathir to apologise,” said Rahman.

The latest Indonesian leader to voice his disgust at Dr Mahathir’s remarks was the republic’s vice-president, Jusuf Kalla, who demanded that the former prime minister apologise to the community.

“I just came back from Sabah and met local Bugis community leaders there.

“They, too, expressed their disappoint­ment and anger about the statement by Dr Mahathir,” said Rahman.

Dr Mahathir had made the remarks during a Pakatan Harapan-organised gathering in Petaling Jaya last month. Several police reports have been lodged against the Pakatan Harapan chairman.

He also angered Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddi­n Idris Shah, whose lineage includes Bugis ancestry.

The Selangor Council of the Royal Court, after meeting the Sultan, had said that a sedition probe should be initiated against Dr Mahathir.

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