New Straits Times

Stop whining about MACC probe, Shafie told


KOTA KINABALU: Parti Warisan Sabah President Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal has been told to stop ranting about the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), which is carrying out an investigat­ion into alleged corruption involving the Rural and Regional Developmen­t Ministry, which he once headed.

Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Aman said the graft busters should be allowed to conduct their probe without the impediment of Shafie’s tirades.

Musa added that he had not said a word about the case, despite being openly attacked in Shafie’s talks and on social media.

“There is no need to act all panicky. There is nothing to fear if you are not in the wrong. (As) the Malay saying goes: ‘berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah’.”

“I feel compelled to say something (now), because he has tried to implicate me in Parliament by saying someone related to me got a project.

“I was not even aware of the project in question. I have a large extended family. I can’t stop those who are friendly to Shafie from getting projects,” he said in a statement.

Musa said Shafie should be more gentlemanl­y in his conduct and not use his Parliament­ary immunity and diversiona­ry tactics to shift the spotlight away from himself.

He added that the MACC had hauled in individual­s from both sides of the political divide in its investigat­ion of corruption cases in the country.

“The issue of this case being politicall­y motivated does not arise because the MACC has gone after people from the ruling party in other cases.

“Maybe some people have the time to whine and rant all over the place, but I do not, because I have a state to take care of,” Musa added.

 ??  ?? Tan Sri Musa Aman
Tan Sri Musa Aman

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