New Straits Times

Romancing a city

Bewitching Paris teases with colours, sights and sounds


go p11,12&13

THEY say Paris is where broken hearts go to heal. A place where couples and newlyweds profess their love for each other under the iconic Eiffel Tower. And when the tower sparkles at night, that’s when man gets down on their knees to propose to their girlfriend.

Ah, yes, the charming city with its cobbled streets, tiny cafes, beautiful scenery and stunning architectu­re. It’s no wonder Paris is also said to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It’s hard to separate Paris and romance as they go together like coffee and croissants, jambon and champagne. But what makes the French capital so alluring ... so romantic?

The city is famous for its marvellous skylines and preserved buildings that make you go

There’s nothing more romantic than taking a stroll through the city, handin-hand with your partner and taking in the sights and sounds. You can’t get lost in Paris. Even if you do, there’s always something beautiful around the corner. Local bakeries selling freshly-baked chouquette, mouth-watering pastries, macarons and baguette — it’s enough to keep you going and not panic.

Paris has always been on my bucket list, after watching countless movies set there like


In music, American-born entertaine­r Josephine Baker sings loud and proud about her love for France (“I have two loves, my country and Paris”) while Joe Dassin sings about a chance encounter between a man and a woman on the most beautiful avenue in the world, the Champ Elysees.

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