New Straits Times

Hidden gems of Southeast Asia

There are ideal getaways on almost any budget


OFTEN travellers seek the same tried-and-tested locations, and getting away means sharing a hotspot with thousands of other tourists. But the alternativ­e — going off the beaten track — can be far more rewarding.

According to a recent Agoda Travel and Tech study, 54 per cent of Malaysians like to travel to lesser-known destinatio­ns.

Getting away from the hustle and bustle doesn’t mean giving up great experience­s when it comes to Southeast Asia.

The region is dotted with many remote and luxurious locations for travellers who don’t want to compromise on the good things in life but still want a unique holiday.

Malaysian travellers can get a luxury or one-of-a-kind experience on almost any budget, depending on where they want to go.

From the ubiquitous Bali, through to little known islands in Thailand and the Philippine­s, there are hidden gems dotted all over Southeast Asia for even the local tourists to discover.

Here are suggestion­s for your next vacation.


Ideally situated near the picture-perfect Alishan National Scenic Area, it means travellers can choose to explore the serene mountains or take the day to relax in front of the panoramic views.

Imagine waking up to the glorious sight of Taiwan’s highest mountain, Yushan. Oh, what a feeling!

While you’re here, visit the top attraction­s including Jhushan for a hike or go on the Giant Trees Trail. Visit Shoujhen Temple (which is the largest temple in Alishan) or the two scenic ponds in the forest known as the Two Sisters.

Details at alishan-house/hotel/chiayi-tw.html

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