New Straits Times


American presidents have wanted to strike North Korea in the past, but they’ve restrained for fear of a cataclysmi­c war


IF there was a message in North Korea’s launch of a new missile capable of reaching anywhere in the United States, it was that America’s strategy toward that country is failing — and that war may be looming.

The American public is far too complacent about the possibilit­y of a war with North Korea, one that could be incomparab­ly bloodier than any US war in my lifetime. One assessment suggests that one million people could die on the first day.

“If we have to go to war to stop this, we will,” Senator Lindsey Graham told CNN after the latest missile test. “We’re headed towards a war if things don’t change.”

President Donald Trump had said he stood ready to “totally destroy” North Korea. His national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, said Trump “is willing to do anything necessary” to prevent North Korea from threatenin­g the US with nuclear weapons — which was precisely what Kim Jong-un did.

One lesson from history: When a president and his advisers say they’re considerin­g a war, take them seriously.

The internatio­nal security experts I’ve consulted offer estimates of the risk of war from 15 per cent to more than 50 per cent. That should be staggering.

Trump said on Wednesday that new sanctions were in the works and that “the situation will be handled”. But, he has been quite effective in increasing the economic pressure on North Korea, and it’s difficult to see how a 10th round of sanctions — after nine rounds since 2006 — will make a huge difference.

The problem is twofold. First, the US goal for North Korea — complete denucleari­sation — is implausibl­e. Second, our strategy of economic sanctions is ineffectiv­e against an isolated regime that earlier accepted the death by famine of perhaps 10 per cent of its population.

In short, we have a failed strategy to achieve a hopeless goal.

The US is also pursuing other approaches, including cyberattac­ks and missile defence, that are worthwhile but won’t force North Korea to hand over nuclear weapons. That’s the context in which military options become tempting for Trump.

This problem is not Trump’s fault, and he’s right that previous administra­tions (back to the first President George Bush’s in the late 1980s) have mostly kicked the can down the road. He’s also right that we’re running out of road, now that North Korea has shown the ability to send a missile some 12,874km, putting all of the US within its theoretica­l range.

(We may not be vulnerable yet. North Korea may not be able to attach a nuclear warhead to the missile so that it could survive the heat and friction of re-entering the atmosphere. But, if it doesn’t have that capacity yet, it’s making swift progress towards that goal. It’s important to stop North Korea from the final testing needed to be confident of its ability to strike the US)

Some analysts believe in retrospect that it would have made sense for the US to have attacked North Korea’s nuclear sites just as it was beginning its programme, in the late 1980s. But, even then, North Korea had the capacity to rain chemical and biological weapons on Seoul.

In 1969, President Richard Nixon was tempted to strike at North Korea after it shot down an American spy plane, killing all 31 people aboard. Aides warned that any military strike could escalate into an all-out war and Nixon backed down. Ever since, American presidents have likewise been periodical­ly tempted to strike North Korea after one provocatio­n or another, but have ended up showing restraint for fear of a cataclysmi­c war.

Hawks say that the continued American restraint has fostered a perception in North Korea that the US is a paper tiger, and frankly, there’s something to that. I worry that the US and North Korea are both overconfid­ent. On my recent visit to North Korea, officials repeatedly said with their bunkers and tunnels, and ability to strike back, they could not only survive a nuclear war with the US, but would even prevail.

In Washington, there’s sometimes a similar delusion that a war would be over in a day after the first barrage of American missiles. Remember that tiny Serbia withstood more than two months of Nato bombing in 1999 before agreeing to withdraw from Kosovo; North Korea is incomparab­ly more prepared for enduring and waging war.

I also worry that North Koreans are sometimes perceived as cartoonish, goose-stepping robots — a perfect, dehumanise­d enemy from central casting — and that an administra­tion beset by problems at home may be more likely to project strength, take risks and stumble into a war.

The last, best hope for the Korean Peninsula is some kind of negotiated deal in which Kim freezes his nuclear programmes. North Korea just may be hinting in its latest statements that it is open to negotiatio­ns.

So, let’s try talking, rather than risk the first exchange of nuclear weapons in the history of our planet.

One lesson from history: When a president and his advisers say they’re considerin­g a war, take them seriously.

 ?? AFP PIC ?? The launching of the Hwasong-15 missile in North Korea. The best hope for the Korean Peninsula is a negotiated deal in which Kim Jong-un freezes his nuclear programmes.
AFP PIC The launching of the Hwasong-15 missile in North Korea. The best hope for the Korean Peninsula is a negotiated deal in which Kim Jong-un freezes his nuclear programmes.

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