New Straits Times

Mei Kuan-Meng Yean upset top seeds in Korea Masters


IT was sweet revenge for women’s doubles Chow Mei Kuan-Lee Meng Yean in South Korea yesterday.

They upset top seeds Jongkolpha­n Kititharak­ul-Rawinda Prajongjai of Thailand to reach the quarter-finals of the Korea Masters GP Gold.

The Malaysian No 2 pair, who were edged by the Thais at the Kuala Lumpur Sea Games (KL2017) in August, rose to the occasion in Gwangju when they chalked up an impressive 21-13, 21-12 win in just 38 minutes.

Mei Kuan-Meng Yean hope to end the year on a high, to improve their chances of representi­ng the country at major events such at the Gold Coast Commonweal­th Games and the Uber Cup Finals in Bangkok next year.

“The victory was somewhat justice to us as we lost narrowly to this pair (Jongkolpha­n-Rawinda) at the Sea Games. We did our homework and it paid off,” said Meng Yean.

“Everything worked in our favour today. Our rotation was almost perfect on court.

“Hopefully we get to maintain this form and come out tops in the tournament. We have been training so hard, I think it's high time for a breakthrou­gh.”

Meng Yean added that she wants to start competing in higher tier tournament­s (Super Series), but for that to happen, she and Mei Kuan must first prove themselves at the GP Gold level.

“This is our last tournament this year and I keep telling myself that we must end on a high. If we do not do well, it will affect our spirits.

“I have hopes of playing in bigger tournament­s so I must at least win a GP Gold tournament before moving up.”

Mei Kuan-Meng Yean, face South Korea’s Chae Yoo JungKim Hye Rin next for a place in the semi-finals.

Malaysia’s interest in the men's singles, women’s singles and mixed doubles came to an end when Soong Joo Ven, Chong Wei Feng, Sonia Cheah and Chan Peng Soon-Cheah Yee See crashed out in the third (men’s singles) and second rounds.

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