New Straits Times


Party’s preferred line-up biased against non-Muslims, says Ti


MCA religious harmony bureau chief Ti Lian Ker has labelled Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s preferred cabinet compositio­n as being discrimina­tory towards non-Muslims.

Hadi, in a statement last week, had said that non-Muslims would only fit profession­al and management roles in the cabinet, with policy and concept matters left to its Muslim members.

Ti, in response, said by saying so, Hadi had openly discrimina­ted against non-Muslims.

“Why is Hadi and his party discrimina­ting against non-Muslims by imposing restrictio­ns on policymaki­ng duties?”

Hadi justified his stand on the compositio­n of the cabinet, by saying Muslims formed the majority in the country and Islam provided more rights to non-Muslims in politics, economical and other worldly matters.

He said this was more than what was prescribed by other man-made ideologies.

Ti, in retaliatio­n, extracted part of Hadi’s statement, which read: “In terms of politics, Islam strictly requires leaders in charge of policies and concepts to be Muslims while accepting non-Muslims in terms of expertise and management, not policy and concept.”

“Given that this was expressly stated by Hadi and published by his party’s mouthpiece Harakah Daily, how is it possible that Pas leaders are making denials now?” asked Ti.

“Where is the sincerity and hon- esty of Pas leaders? The statement was clear, and yet, they are pointing fingers and blaming the messenger for slander,” he said.

Ti said Hadi once had an opportunit­y to lead a cabinet when Pas was installed as the state government of Terengganu in 1999, but with an exclusivel­y Muslim cabinet, Pas lost the state in the next election.

 ??  ?? Ti Lian Ker
Ti Lian Ker

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