New Straits Times


They are behind Pyongyang’s ballistic missile programme


THE United States announced sanctions on two of North Korea’s most prominent officials behind its ballistic missile programme on Tuesday, while Russia reiterated an offer to mediate to ease tensions between Washington and Pyongyang.

The new US steps were the latest in a campaign aimed at forcing North Korea, which has defied years of multilater­al and bilateral sanctions, to abandon a weapons programme aimed at developing nuclear-tipped missiles capable of hitting the US.

“Treasury is targeting leaders of North Korea’s ballistic missile programmes, as part of our maximum pressure campaign to isolate (North Korea) and achieve a fully denucleari­sed Korean Peninsula,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement.

The move followed new United Nations sanctions announced last Friday, in response to North Korea’s Nov 29 test of an interconti­nental ballistic missile (ICBM) that Pyongyang said put all of the US mainland within range of its nuclear weapons. Those sanctions sought to further limit North Korea’s access to refined petroleum products and crude oil and its earnings from workers abroad.

North Korea declared the UN’s steps to be an act of war and tantamount to a complete economic blockade.

The standoff between the US and North Korea has raised fears of a new conflict on the Korean peninsula, which has remained in a technical state of war since the 1950-53 Korean War ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty.

The US had said that all options, including military ones, were on the table in dealing with North Korea. It said it preferred a diplomatic solution, but that North Korea had not indicated it was willing to discuss denucleari­sation.

The US Treasury named the targeted officials as Kim Jong-sik and Ri Pyong-chol. It said Kim was reportedly a major figure in North Korea’s efforts to switch its missile programme from liquid to solid fuel, while Ri was reported to be a key official in its ICBM developmen­t.

The largely symbolic steps block any property or interests the two might have within US jurisdicti­on and prohibit any dealings by US citizens with them.

With their ruling Workers Party, military and scientific credential­s, the men are two of three top experts considered indispensa­ble to North Korea’s rapidly developing weapons programmes.

Photograph­s and television footage show that the men are clearly among North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s favourites. Their behaviour with him is sharply at variance with the obsequious­ness of other senior aides, most of whom bow and hold their hands over their mouths when speaking to the young leader. Reuters

 ?? REUTERS PIC ?? North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the intermedia­te-range ballistic missile Pukguksong-2’s launch test with Kim Jong-sik (second from left) and Ri Pyong-chol (third from left) in May.
REUTERS PIC North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the intermedia­te-range ballistic missile Pukguksong-2’s launch test with Kim Jong-sik (second from left) and Ri Pyong-chol (third from left) in May.

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