New Straits Times


- There's little point in starting the day fretting over the thing you cannot control. Instead, focus on what you can influence.

Born today, you are one of the most patient, stalwart, loyal, dedicated and hard-working individual­s born under your sign. You have also been blessed with a remarkable ability to "see" the future. That is, you can devise an image of the future as you would like it to be, and then work toward it in such a way that you make it come to be. Will there be struggles in your life? Certainly! But you believe that through struggle comes achievemen­t and enlightenm­ent, and that nothing good will ever come of avoiding hardship altogether. Would you prefer an easy life? Yes! But you recognise that such a life is earned, and that you must work hard to realise your dreams, and make true that vision of the future that you call yours and to which you feel you are destined.

You are more than willing to learn all you can from those who chart their courses in ways that you admire. Though you can and will learn a great deal from others, you are no copycat — and you are perfectly willing to admit when someone else knows more than you! You are likely to become a role model for many others as you mature. You're going to want to present yourself in a manner that puts others at ease today. Don't rock the boat or go against the grain.

You may have to get started much earlier than usual today — and work much later into the evening. Some routine tasks may have to wait.

You cannot ignore forever what you've put on a back burner; today is a good day to address certain issues that have been lying dormant.

An important issue is likely to be revived by someone who isn't satisfied that everything was dealt with properly the first time.

How you interpret certain developmen­ts today will make all the difference — and will send an important message to those working against you.

You have what it takes to guide others to the threshold of success today — but remember, you cannot make them walk through the door. How you start the day will affect everything you do until you put everything aside temporaril­y at day's end. Good humour can work wonders.

You may feel guilty about certain decisions you have recently made — but did you really have a choice? You must face a vocal critic. You may have much less time than expected to complete a certain comprehens­ive task. ortunately, preparatio­n for another serves you well now.

You'll have the chance to show others just what you're made of today, and what you can accomplish — but can you meet everyone's demands?

Someone may suggest working together so that you can lighten the load for both of you. His or her plans do not align with yours, however.

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