New Straits Times

Pakatan parties are power crazy, says former Selangor MB


SHAH ALAM: Former Selangor menteri besar Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib has labelled parties in the opposition pact Pakatan Harapan as “power crazy”.

He said it was not out of the ordinary for Pakatan leaders to fight over parliament­ary and state seats allocation, and would do so openly on social media to outshine their rivals.

“I was once with them when I was in the opposition pact, which was then known as Pakatan Rakyat. Each time a general election looms, they would fight. That is their attitude as there is no consensus when it comes to reaching a decision.

“Whether it is Pakatan Rakyat or Pakatan Harapan, they are the same and want to outdo one other. For example, if PKR sees that Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) is more prominent than it, the former would feel that its power (political clout) would erode.

“That is their attitude.

“They have doubts and do not trust one another although they are on board the same ship,” he told Berita Harian yesterday.

Muhammad said the people should thoroughly consider Barisan Nasional and the opposition pact, and pick the one qualified to govern the country.

“They (Pakatan) even fought over who should lead them and have been bickering endlessly for the past few terms (on various issues).”

Muhammad said managing the country was not a walk in the park, and it would be difficult for the opposition pact to govern as they would be constantly at each other’s throats.

“For the Malays, they need to look into the dominant attitude of DAP.

“It is only PKR, PPBM and Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) that are fighting for seats.

“Why is DAP not fighting with seats? DAP does not need to fight because they know their areas would not be claimed by their partners.

“DAP has full control of the pact. Other parties are being used as tools to strengthen DAP.”

It was reported that PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Azmin Ali had criticised PAN as “lying and untrustwor­thy” over issues concerning the pact’s state seats distributi­on.

In response, Selangor PAN chairman Izham Hashim described Azmin as a “joker”, adding that he was unfit to hold the posts as menteri besar and Selangor Pakatan Harapan protem chairman.

 ??  ?? Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib
Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib

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