New Straits Times

Singapore deports radicalise­d Malaysian


KUALA LUMPUR: A self-radicalise­d man with access to the Singapore Changi Airfreight Centre was held and deported to Malaysia, Singapore’s Home Ministry said yesterday.

According to a Straits Times report, the ministry said Muhammad Nur Hanief Abdul Jalil, 33, who worked as a driver with an airfreight company, had planned to travel to the Middle East to join armed conflict there.

Due to his job, he had access to Changi Airfreight Centre, a restricted area. The centre provides airfreight services to Changi Airport.

It said Hanief was held under the republic’s Internal Security Act last month, after he was found to have been radicalise­d by the online teachings of extremist preachers.

He was deported to Malaysia this month.

Hanief has since been detained under the Special Offences (Security Measures) Act.

Investigat­ions revealed that since 2008, he perused online materials of foreign extremist preachers, including Imran Hosein and Anjem Choudary.

“He was influenced by Ismail Menk and Haslin Baharim, who propagated segregatio­nist and divisive teachings,” the ministry said.

He held various jobs in Singapore since 2011, the ministry said, adding that his radicalisa­tion “renders him a security threat to Singapore”.

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