New Straits Times

Invoke poll prediction rubbished


GEORGE TOWN: “Tak boleh pakai”.

This was Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid’s reaction to Invoke Malaysia’s poll prediction that Pakatan Harapan would win five states in the 14th General Election (GE14).

“If you read its poll prediction and statements, many of them are baseless,” he said after attending the “Road to Success” event at SK Bukit Gelugor here yesterday.

Mahdzir said many of Invoke’s reports were in favour of Pakatan Harapan.

In Iskandar Puteri, Johor Umno Liaison Committee chairman Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said he was confident that a “Malay Tsunami” would not happen in GE14, as speculated by several quarters.

He said Johor would remain under Barisan Nasional.

The menteri besar said the opposition often find ways to sensationa­lise issues to confuse and garner support from the people.

In Johor Baru, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamad said it was better to look at surveys done by other quarters than accepting the conclusion reached from the opposition-backed survey.

“I do not believe in the methodolog­y it used.

“How can you reach such a conclusion based on a survey that involved 2,000 people?

“This is the opposition’s propaganda to convince the people, as it has been losing the people’s support,” he said at Medan Selera Taman Cempaka, here.

In Manjung, Perak BN chairman Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir said he was not worried about the survey by Invoke or others, as the most important thing was how the coalition approached its work.

The menteri besar said he did not want to disparage the study, but if one looked at it rationally, many questions could be raised.

“Look at the observatio­n from the study involving Kelantan, which it said had fallen with the non-existence of Pas.”

He said the survey could be seen as nothing more than propaganda.

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