New Straits Times




1. Sudden move by directors to establish target (9)

6. Expression of disapprova­l about church showing filmstrip (5)

9. Ring to cancel engagement on vacation (7)

10. Stranger occupies street, striking (7) 11. Small American city shown on casual shirt (5)

13. Rhetoric’s put off singer (9)

14. Hence more beautiful, one elucidates? (9) 16. English following fake set of rules (4) 18. Members of advisory team brought back for newcomer (4)

19. A priest — he could concoct restorativ­e treatments (9) 22. Defenders protecting part of town in retreat? (9)

24. Once again plan modern music to entertain them (5) 25. Dish knocked over by German gentleman (7) 26. Sheepish type approachin­g girl for dance (7)

28. Sample artist's penultimat­e piece in gallery (5) 29. Investigat­ion not right, brief rage leads to profound shift (3,6)


1. Recruit departs military service, needing support of course (7)

2. Administer sports event (3)

3. Queen Mary's husband is able to drink in here on journey? (8)

4. Greek's storage space? (5)

5. Princess's reason for misery? Admitting love in conversati­on


6. Collapse as female totally exhausted (4,2) 7. Literal form of belief disseminat­ed by a minister and co. (11) 8. Muse quietly in swaying tree south of country club? (7) 12. Philosophe­rs met crisis, being confused about Greek character (11)

15. Disgracefu­l men with admissions of debt, following revolution­ary fashion (9)

17. Grunt in short strenuous game gaining speed (8) 18. Fabric, shoddy stuff provided to clothe nude (7)

20. Partitione­d country split by eastern power (7)

21. Nameless desire harboured by the female in cloak (6)

23. Like girl almost slipping up in dance


27. Beard starts to annoy wife normally (3)

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