New Straits Times

Hadi reveals bids to curb Syura powers


POKOK SENA: Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang revealed yesterday that there are attempts to limit the authority of the party’s Syura Council by those leading Parti Amanah Negara (PAN).

Hadi said this took place a few years ago, including a bid to amend the party’s constituti­on to allow a stronger cooperatio­n with DAP.

The group was also said to have tried carrying out its plans through a committee under the Islamic party’s legal bureau.

“But, we foiled their attempts. What they did was against the party’s constituti­on, which stipulates the Syura Council as the highest decision-making body, which can overturn any decision made at the central level.

“This group was taking a jab at a policy long held by Pas, to allow the continuati­on of the party’s corporatio­n with DAP.

“They tried to submit a motion to amend the constituti­on, but we rejected it before the party’s muktamar in 2015.

“The motion seeks to limit the Syura Council’s powers so that it can only advise, instead of making decisions.”

When asked why the party did not take action against the group, Hadi said most of them had lost in the party election.

“The group tried to use the same approach as AK Party (Justice and Developmen­t Party) in Turkey, which does not allow Islamic elements in politics and country.”

On bai’ah or oath of allegiance taken by Pas election candidates, Hadi said it would be implemente­d again in the 14th General Election, but would be “empowered” according to current situations.

“What is important is the foundation or aspects of bai’ah, which is to ensure loyalty to the party.”

In February, it was reported that Pas would drop its controvers­ial divorce clause from bai’ah.

Under bai’ah, members who contest in elections under the Pas ticket are made to sign a religious pledge that they would divorce their spouses should they leave the party while they are still elected representa­tives.

Hadi said the party would announce its GE14 candidates next Thursday.

 ??  ?? Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang
Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang

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