New Straits Times


US president calls ex-FBI director a ‘slimeball’ over claims in latter’s memoir


UNITED States President Donald Trump called for the prosecutio­n of former FBI chief James Comey on Friday, unleashing a vitriolic response to the lawman’s tell-all memoir.

Trump branded Comey weak, a “LEAKER & LIAR” and an untruthful “slimeball” in a two-part Twitter tirade, as the first reports of the ex-FBI boss’ highly critical 300-plus-page book emerged.

News organisati­ons obtained copies of the manuscript, in which Comey portrays Trump as an egomaniac — “unethical, and untethered to truth and institutio­nal values”.

The book is due to be released on Tuesday, but Comey has already appeared on television to promote it and the White House has been strategisi­ng for weeks about how to discredit him.

Trump led the charge himself on Friday, tweeting so far unsubstant­iated claims that Comey “leaked CLASSIFIED informatio­n, for which he should be prosecuted,” and that he “lied to Congress under OATH”.

It is rare for a sitting US president to comment on ongoing litigation, much less ask for critics to be prosecuted.

Trump fired Comey in May last year, citing the FBI’s behaviour in investigat­ing Democrat Hillary Clinton and its probe into possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia to tilt the 2016 presidenti­al election.

“When I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won,” Trump said in an interview at the time.

Comey’s no-holds-barred account of his meetings with Trump before he was fired at times appears mean-spirited, but also conveys a sense of disbelief about the 45th president’s behaviour.

Comey said Trump reminded him of a mafia boss who demanded absolute loyalty, saw the entire world against him and lied about everything.

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