New Straits Times


World champ questions Mercedes’ ability to challenge Ferrari


FORMULA One world champion Lewis Hamilton cast doubt on his Mercedes team’s Chinese Grand Prix chances after Sebastian Vettel led a Ferrari front row lockout in qualifying yesterday.

“I don’t know if we can challenge, we’re half a second behind today,” the Briton told Sky Sports television after aborting his final flying lap and taking fourth place on the grid with team mate Valtteri Bottas third.

“Honestly I can’t tell you if we can challenge. We were quicker in the race in the last race (Bahrain) but they (Ferrari) were able to hold on.

“They will probably do the same tomorrow (today).”

Vettel, like Hamilton a fourtime world champion, has won the first two races of the season and built up a 17-point lead over the Mercedes driver.

The German was 0.530 faster than Bottas in qualifying and 0.568 quicker than Hamilton, who has won an unpreceden­ted five times previously in Shanghai and arrived as a favourite.

Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff said making the tyres work was the problem.

“They (Ferrari) were really strong in the morning, but on qualifying performanc­e, they put one on top and we have something to think about,” said the Austrian.

“We’re lacking grip. You can fall out of the window by the tyres getting too hot or being too cold. They are two extremes like we had in Bahrain and I think this is what happened. I think it’s a tyre issue.”

Today is expected to be a lot warmer than yesterday’s windy and cold conditions and Wolff hoped Mercedes had got their race set-up right and could show better pace than their rivals and make the most of strategy.

Hamilton, who will start on the soft tyres as will Ferrari, sounded less sure.

“I think it (the track) is in the top three of the easier ones to overtake ... but the Ferraris are too fast on the straights so it will be interestin­g,” he said.

Bottas said it felt like he had got everything out of the car but pole had still been out of reach.

“Maybe we didn’t get the tyres absolutely perfect for the lap but I don’t think it would have been enough for us to beat the Ferraris,” he said.

“That’s particular­ly disappoint­ing because the gap to them is quite big.”

“On paper, this track is easier for overtaking than Bahrain, so hopefully tomorrow (today) we can make up for what we lost today (yesterday).”

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