New Straits Times

Building Tomorrow, Today

- 1. Our reference group. Our planning time horizon. Our propensity to learn. money we can borrow, then we can’t prosper.

ON a scale of 1 to 10, how important is self-leadership in ensuring long-term prosperity? Parliament has been dissolved. Malaysia’s 14th General Election on May 9, a mid-week day, looms large on the horizon and in the hearts and minds of Malaysians.

An enormous amount is at stake for all of us who love this country. Most things in life rise and fall on the quality of leadership. By the way, that’s true for leadership on all scales.

From the calibre of statesmans­hip within sovereign nations to the savvy headship of multinatio­nal corporatio­ns or MNCs to that of medium-sized companies to extended clans to nuclear families and all the way down to the granularit­y of solo individual­s. In personal financial planning it’s the ‘smaller end’ of the leadership spectrum — families and individual­s — that is most pertinent. You see, personal finance is, unsurprisi­ngly, a deeply personal matter.

Of course, we all hope our national leaders, present and future, will do a good job steering Malaysia further along the global value chain and thus up the wealth curve.

But even in the wealthiest nations on Earth you will find stratified population­s comprising the elite, the well-heeled, the middle class or average, the below par and the downright poor. Where do you fit in?

For most families, there tends to be limited upward economic mobility in the absence of relevant higher education. Formal university and profession­al degrees and qualificat­ions go a long, long way in helping people break free from their socioecono­mic ‘castes’ of the past.

However, the convenient yet dangerous excessive availabili­ty of personal credit around the world means many of us can still don the trappings of wealth, such as driving nice cars, going on pricey overseas holidays and purchasing branded goods, without genuinely being able to pay for them.

By that I mean without paying for them with available funds of our own instead of endlessly borrowing from banks and credit card companies to keep up with the Joneses (or in our case, more likely the Alis, Ah Kaws and Arumugams).

Thankfully, regardless of our formal education levels, another form of education is more relevant to our long-term prosperity.

To do a great job of building tomorrow, today, by which I mean laying a firm foundation for future wealth through wise moves in the present, we should be sensitised to three factors:

If we surround ourselves with high calibre individual­s keen on learning about business, economics, investing and financial planning, some of their passion for true wealth accumulati­on will rub off on us. Conversely, if we waste our time with shallow people who are eager to 2. 3. show off fancy lifestyles they can’t truly pay for, then we — like them — will sink deep into a quagmire of ferocious financial affliction­s.

If we train ourselves to think and strategise over the short-, medium-, and especially long-term, then we will be more likely to exercise delayed gratificat­ion, which will help us defer expenses now so we may accumulate future wealth, obviously later, through consistent saving and investing. But if we fixate on having too good a time today without sufficient regard for tomorrow, we cannot grow future wealth.

Specifical­ly about investing and financial planning. If we are curious to discover and apply sound principles of money management, we will regularly set aside funds for growth and learn to embrace investment risk, which pertains to price volatility.

However, if we just want to have a fabulous time today that’s paid for by all the money we have PLUS all the Earlier this year, the world’s third richest person, chairman of investment holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett wrote to his shareholde­rs explaining two pertinent terms, which are relevant to us all. (The entire shareholde­rs’ letter is available here: www.berkshireh­athaway. com/letters/2017ltr.pdf). This is what Buffett wrote:

“Investing is an activity in which consumptio­n today is foregone in an attempt to allow greater consumptio­n at a later date. “Risk” is the possibilit­y that this objective won’t be attained.”

You should reread and internalis­e Buffett’s lesson. Better yet, download his entire letter to imbibe and digest Buffett’s powerful teachings.

As each of us decides on the economic future we want, it would be wise for us to educate ourselves on money and train ourselves to focus on activities that enrich (not impoverish) us.

For an easy start, in addition to reading this week’s Money Thoughts column, you might enjoy studying some of the previous pieces I’ve written for a wide Malaysian reading population. You’re welcome to do so at:­ason

Then, as you learn or are reminded of simple, sound financial planning principles, I encourage you to apply the lessons that are most relevant to your aspiration­s. Later, do generously share some of those lessons with the people you love.

Next week I plan to begin exploring a series of so-called rules of wealth distilled by an American teacher who used them to become a US dollar millionair­e! For now, as you contemplat­e your next step in selfleader­ship to strengthen your personal financial position, allow me to borrow a famous Vulcan farewell from Star Trek:

“Live long and prosper!”

© 2018 Rajen Devadason

Read his free articles at www. FreeCoolAr­; he may be connected with on LinkedIn at https://­ason, rajen@RajenDevad­ and Twitter @RajenDevad­ason

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