New Straits Times

WD40 Company to expand AGGRESSIVE­LY in Southeast Asia


WD-40 Multi-Use Product, one of the most widely recognised and trusted American brands in the world, is gearing up to penetrate the Southeast Asia market more aggressive­ly this year — especially Malaysia.

As part of its expansion plan, Bun Seng Hardware Sdn Bhd was appointed as WD-40 Company’s new marketing distributo­r for Malaysia. Bun Seng Hardware Sdn Bhd will undertake the sales and distributi­on of all products registered under the WD-40 brand — including the popular WD-40 Multi-Use Product, WD-40 Specialist and WD-40 Bike.

“With Bun Seng Hardware Sdn Bhd’s extensive distributi­on network, we expect to attain more than 2 million cans sales for this year, which represents more than 15 per cent growth compared wih last year. This partnershi­p marks the start of a more aggressive push for WD-40 products into the Southeast Asia region, starting with Malaysia. We look forward to expanding our footprint in this region,” said WD-40 Company regional director (Asia) Marcus Chen.

“WD-40 is a household brand not just in the United States but also in many parts of the world today, including Malaysia — so much so that no home or garage is complete today without at least having that blue and yellow can with a little red top, in hand. Hence, we are proud to be appointed as WD40 Company’s new marketing distributo­r for Malaysia and we anticipate a fruitful partnershi­p with the company,” said Bun Seng Hardware Sdn Bhd managing director Wong Kian Wah.


No matter the size of the garage or the type of vehicle it houses, one constant factor in every such space is that little blue and yellow blue can of WD-40 Multi-Use Product sitting in a corner somewhere. Ever wonder why?

That’s because this multi-purpose solution has long been associated with tonnes of uses for car maintenanc­e, tune-ups and repairs.

It has been known to displace moisture from electrical wiring in cars and protect them from corrosion, and to remove grease and grime from metal hand tools, as well as engine parts.

Many car owners and mechanics have used it to lubricate and protect a vehicle’s parts from rust with this trusty little oil spray too. Besides, it eases removal of nuts and bolts on the car. It also lubricates all metal and moving parts to reduce friction and prevent locking.

Having some problems restarting an old car? You would be surprised that in some cases, all it takes is just a quick tune-up with a spray of the nifty little can under the distributo­r’s cap down into the distributo­r body, and to remove some gunk from the wiring of the engine, to get it sputtering back to life have.

Engine fasteners that have been rusting for years and frozen into place? No problem. You just need a can of the multi-purpose solution. Just spray and leave it to penetrate the rust, and you can release the frozen fastener with no hassle. But what are the other uses of this multi-purpose solution for those who are not as familiar with this oil spray?

Here are some amazing uses. If you’re a vehicle owner or works with these metal lovelies, you should get to know them. Why? Because every vehicle needs that little bit of TLC to go that extra mile!

1) Caught in a flood? Don’t panic. The multi-purpose solution drives moisture from flooded engines and helps a wet engine to restart.

2) Someone’s trolley just scuffed your car in the parking lot? Just spray this multi-purpose solution and wipe those scuffmarks out. The same is true for removing paint rubs left by other vehicles.

3) Get those annoying squeaks out of your fan belts, locks,

brake pedals, wheels and alternator pulley, to name a few!

4) Glove compartmen­t door rusted? Spray and free it up!

For that matter, the same goes for sticky remote control mirror mechanism, stuck accelerato­rs, fuel door cable, motor shafts, carburetor linkage, battery get the picture.

5) Keeping a racing car off-season? No problem. The multipurpo­se solution keeps a disassembl­ed race car engine well-oiled and prevents rust when parts are sprayed down and wrapped in plastic wrap.

6) Removes glue, crayon from leather as well as old decals on your mirror and bumper stickers on the exterior, too!

7) Love the classics? Restore the shine with the multi-purpose

solution! It protects chrome and gives it a nice shine.

8) Can’t avoid parking under roosting birds? Don’t worry. The multi-purpose solution can help remove baked-on bird droppings from car and truck exteriors.

9) Love the big boys? The multi-purpose solution lubricates four-wheel-drive hubs to ease locking procedure, as well as hydraulic lifts on truck bed cover.

10) It also softens the rubber car door seals, preventing drying and cracking.

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